Chapter 19

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Hel's pov

Walking behind Casey and Rose as they hold hands gives me a queasy feeling. Makes me feel weird. Anger maybe. No its not that. Maybe envy. Or jealousy. Tsk both. I sigh and walk into someone. Looking up I see its Casey. They stopped.

" Are you alright ? You look a bit ill. " she asks touching my forehead. Making my cheeks flush.

" Mm I think the changing didn't sit well. Do you feel light headed or off balanced ?" I shake my head and step away from her a bit.

" Uh no I'm fine. Just was thinking. That's all" She smiles then grabs Rose hand and walk down the hall and opens the door to the conference room I'm guessing. As I walk in it gets silent. Some people glare other just stare. Makes my skin crawl to have so many eyes on me. I see Nina up on the stage and she smiles. Next to her is a woman the looks like her. She just glances then looks away uninterested.

Tsk well excuse me then. We reach the stage and they all bow. What the hell. Casey then lets go of Rose's hand and Nina places a crown onto her head. Then stands infront of Rose and places one on her head. The people clap and cheer I look out and notice alot more people than when I walked in. I walk to Casey and tap her. It gets deadly silent and I jump back when a loud growl comes from someone.

" ENOUGH !" The growl stops but my heartbeats faster as Casey comes near me. This feeling. What is it. I want to run and never look back. Fear. Yeah definitely fear.

" Hel I'm not gonna hurt you."

" NO ONE WILL." she directs that to Nina's twin. She nods and sits down arms crossed.

" Are you alright? What did you need? " she touches my arm and I instantly feel better.

" I just was wondering why so many people here? " I was mumbling and she smiled softly.

" Well this is a conference. Officials from both my kingdoms and pack are here. So that's quite alot of people. " I nod and notice Rose laughing silently. She's is loving my discomfort.

" Now to business at hand. " she ushers me to a seat beside Nina and she sits between a little girl and Rose. There's another little girl sitting next to the first one. Then there's Nina's twin Nina and me. On the other side. Two women standing behind Casey as well.

" Alpha we haven't made any progress on finding Matthew. It's like he left without a trace. "  A big muscular guy with a nice clean cut comes forward. And I guess that starts this meeting.


Casey's pov.

" Alpha we haven't made any progress on finding Matthew. It's like he left without a trace. " Mason comes forward and I frown. No progress in a whole fucking year. I don't want to tell Amanda her whole family is dead. I mean I'm here for her, but she also needs her family.

" Go to the Rogues. See if they know anything. " I state leaving my thoughts.

" Yes alpha " he bows leaves.

" Queen Casey you have been invited to yet another ball from the Vampires. " Again huh. Maybe I should go. Its been a year.

" How's my armies Michelle. " she steps forward.

" They are ready at any moment my queen. " Hm I nod. They have been training daily for a year. And combined with my kingdoms

" Tell them I accept. "

" Yes my queen " after that the conference is a blur. I answer with yes and no and after awhile I can tell Amanda is getting restless.

" We can't just allow them to trade within us my Queen. They are rogues and rebels. People who don't belong and don't want to belong. "

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