chapter 17

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Casey's pov

After returning from the run I feel exhausted.

" Hey guys where's Rose? " Saga asks and we freeze at the bedroom door. And it hits me again. She's really gone.

"Saga she gave her life for ours. She's gone. " Vera tells her.

" What do you mean? Why didn't we fight then ? Why did you give up so easily ? "

" Saga there wasnt anything we could do. Death took her. How can we fight death. How? Tell me " Vera voice cracks.

" There is always something you can do. Always. She never gave up on us yet you let go so willingly. You let go without trying. I will not lose her. We will fight for her. " Saga snaps and the realization hits me. I do give up easily. But ive changed. We have changed and we will fight. And I think I know how.

1 year later

Rose's pov

Sitting in Hel's throne while she rants everyday after claiming a couple of souls is really irritating. She was going to drag Casey down here for this.

" Can't you talk to one of the skeleton guards. " I ask and she turns to me. Looking at me like said something stupid.

" No they are soulless. They only listen to direct orders. " she walks to me and frowns.

"So you were only going to bring Casey here to rant? " I ask and she shakes her head.

" No I want Casey as my bride. I want her for myself. " I jump up and snarl.

" She's mine. No one else's. " I snap and she laughs.

" You're right about that. She hasn't fucked anybody since you gave your life for her. And there are alot of women and men that have been throwing themselves at her. The only ones she lets even touch her or hold her is Revana and Michelle. Oh would you like to see. " I nod my head. Casey hasn't had sex with anyone  for me. I smile at the thought. As I follow Hel

" We are going to go above ground. Do a little stalking. " she laughs and I can't help but to laugh too.

" Okay. Lets go stalk then. " I laugh out and she nods. I think as I've been down here. I made friends with Hel. Which is weird if you heard someone say that but for me not really.

" Alright we're here and there she is. " She says while our heads come above ground. I look to find Casey but I don't see her. I smell the air and her scent isn't there. I look to Hel.

" While you were gone things happened. Come on. " I walk with her and she leads me to a beautiful woman. Her hair jet black like Casey's but everything else is different. Her eyes are a swirl of three colors brown black and red. She has curves that Casey never had. They way she stood was different as well. As we we closer a smell of apples cinnamon and a strong smell of authority hits me. She turns her head towards us. Her eyes widen. Tears were already in her eyes. Wait she can see us. I look to Hel once again. And she smiles not even looking at me.

" Rose. " she says quietly. And it was already quiet. I look at the picture she's holding. Its of me. This is my memorial.

" Hel I swear you better not me fucking with us. " she laughs out setting the picture down. Hel only shrugs.

" This is Casey. You are Casey. " I ask to be sure. She nods coming closer. Stroking my face lightly.

" Im not dreaming. You're here. " I nod and she hugs me and I hug back.

" Don't cry " she whispers in my ear and I finally notice the tears has formed.  I try to let go but she wont let me.

" Alright Rose lets go. " Hel says going to touch me but Casey pushes me behind her and growls with so much hate radiating off of her as she glares at Hel.

" She made a deal with me. Your life for hers. Now I would suggest you let go before people get hurt."

" No I lost two of my mates. And then she finds me again. Then you fucking take her and bring her back just to take her again fuck that. I will fight for whats mine. " She steps close to Hel.

" Do you know that with one touch that I can kill you. " Hel states and Casey only smiles.

" You know how many times I've been on the brink of death but was saved. I am never alone. For some reason people want me to live. And that's just what ill do. Live. So I will give you another deal that's even better.  " Casey smiles

" Okay I'm intrigued. Though I've always been fascinated with you. " Hel admits

" Mm People seem to flock to me. Its weird but hey it is what it is. Now follow me to my office. Revana Michelle Serenity as well." she grabs my hand and we walk to the office. Then she stops.

" Everyone please take this memorial down. Rose will be staying. " that gets the pack to cheer and Hel smirks.

" Alright lets move then. " Casey grabs my hand once again and we walk to the office. Once we get there. Revana shuts the door.

" Okay whats the deal then ? " Hel sits in the chair right in front of the desk. Casey on the other side.
" Well I propose a trade of sorts. "

" With who ? "

" Well me of course. "

" WHAT? NO. " I yell and Casey only smiles.

" Look. While you were gone. I found myself. I found just who I am. I got Saga back. And she convinced us not to give up just because it was death. Not to give up because you didn't when we lost our way. So I've been really studying magic. Though I was already pretty good. I studied more. I watched serenity as she did her magic. And I knew if I had the memorial today that Hel would bring you back. So I learned how to replicate myself. Not a low class spell either. High class long lasting spell that can only be put down by me. I'm sorry it took so long. I'm sorry if you were watching and it looked like I wasnt trying. I was and I am. " Casey kisses me softly and turns toward Hel.

" Isn't that want you want. Me. Isn't that why you came. "


Heyo peoples. How are you. Soo I have figured exactly how I need to finish this. Lol I had a light bulb moment. I just didn't want this to be prolonged and it didn't need to be. But that will not be the case. So this will not be ending just yet. I have a couple more twist and turns for Casey before this ends. Anywho hope you like this chapter.



And of course read on.

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