chapter 16

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Casey's pov.

Its like I can't run away from it. The voices. They call me. They hate me. But this is my mind. I run faster and faster. Is there something I can do to stop the voices. Their wicked laughter. Mocking me as I start to slow down. Why is it so dark. What am I here for again. Did I want to do something.

" CASEY!" I spin around to see me. Well she almost looks like me. Except she's a bit more pale and her eyes are a brighter red than mine. But everything else is the same.

" What do you want? " I ask cautiously taking a few steps back.

" Casey its me. Vera. " she walks closer and I can smell apples and cinnamon again. I feel as if I should believe her. My senses return. I remember what I'm suppose to be doing. Getting Saga back.

" Vera. Thank goddess. I was tripping balls. Didn't you hear the voices in the dark. " I ask and once I touch her the darkness disappears.

" Casey remember you entered your fears. Our fears. That's why it was dark. To play on what you fear most. " I shake my head.

" I'm not scared of the dark. " she looks at me

" What's in the dark Casey. That's what is our fear. What people say behind closed doors. What people do when our backs are turned. Its what we fear and hate. When we are in the dark about information. Is what scares us. Do you understand ?" I nod. It makes sense.

" Why did it leave when I touched you. "

" Because you knew that you had someone to protect you. " I look at her

" Don't contradict me. I am you. I couldn't see much until you touched me. I was afraid but when you came I knew you would protect me. But for you it was the other way around. You see Casey. We want to protect but also to be protected even more. We don't want to be alone.  " I look up then left and right. Its a meadow now.

" You're right. Lets find Saga. " I walk right because its a strong force pulling me that way. As we move I feel at peace. Which is weird since I was going bat shit crazy. I feel Vera grasp onto my arm. Shivering as we walk and the scenery changes from beautiful and well rainbowy. To dark and morbid. Trees start to form and morph into a gate. I walk forward. Vera close behind. I try to open it but it doesn't budge. Maybe we can find a entrance on the side.

" Come on. " she nods. Suddenly mute. So I hold her hand. Squeezing it and it gives us both comfort. Making it to the side I see that it isn't a gate but a giant cage. The trees on this side aren't that thick. Looking through the wooden bars I see a jet black wolf chained right in the middle. A dark aura coming off the chains.

" SAGA !" Vera screams through the bars. The wolf looks around then in our direction. Tilts its head and barks. Then tries to run  this way but is stopped short by the chain.

" FUCK !" I slam my hands on the bars. 

" How do we get her out? " I ask and Vera has a face that says she's thinking. She touches the bark of the tree then extend her claws and slash at them. They get even thicker and Saga howls. Shaking her head. Obviously we can't stop this by force. What to do? What to do? Wait. This is my fucking mind. Maybe if I can change the type of trees to make them thinner and we can easily slip through. Think. Think. What type of tree though? Hm are these oak. Mm I don't know trees. Shit a tree is a tree. Oh pine trees are thin I think. So I touch the tree thinking of what a pine tree looks like. Hoping I can remember to feel what they feel like usually. Tsk nothing. As I'm about to give up. Vera touches my arm and then the tree. And I feel it change. The bark feels different than before. My head snaps to Vera and she smiles. Looking at the bars now. I see that its wide enough for us to enter. Lets just hope its not a trap. As I step in. Saga yips and barks happily. We run to her and as we wrap our arms around her we fuse. The chains break and the cage crumbles. Before the trees can hit us we bolt. Dodging trees left and right. Running and running until the meadow comes and we go left. Following my gut. When we feel like we should stop we do. And as we sniff around the door appears. We look back and notice the dark coming over again. But we are no longer scared because. I am not alone. I am not one. Not even two but three. And I will not be split apart by this fear again. I walk through the door. Waking up in my room. Michelle holding my hand tightly. Athena and Amanda on the floor sitting silently. Revana standing her arms crossed. Serenity pacing back and forth. All their eyes are closed.

" Guys. " I  try to say but it doesn't come out. I try to move my hand but its doesn't move.

" What's going on ?"

" Maybe we were in our mind longer than we know . " Saga states and I nod. Okay guys just lets concentrate on getting Michelle's attention kay.

" Okay" they say in unison. We focus on moving our hand. And we lift it making Michelle jump. Which gets everybody attention. Well that worked.

" Casey. You're up. DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG YOU WERE OUT?YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF US. " Revana screams at us. Her eyes watering.

" H..ho..ow lon..g. " I question broken up.

" 5 months. " Woah

" " I say and Athena pops out of nowhere and hands it to me.  I smile and her tears makes me sad. Vera cries out.

" Who's that? " Saga asks and I frown.

" Our daughter. "

" What? I wasnt gone that long. Was I ? " she asks confused

" No she's adopted. "

"Oh" she sighs and I drink the water. I helps my dry throat.

" Thank you sweetie. " I give it back to her and sit up.

" What happened while I was out. " I stand and Revana blushes. Michelle looks away quickly and serenity just looks eyes wide.

" What? " I ask and no one speaks.

" Mommy your naked. And you look really different.a little  "

" So you guys have seen me naked hundreds of times. " I walk to the bathroom. To look in the mirror and I choke. I look like a well. Woman. My figure is full. So are my breast. OMG I have an Ass. Fuck yeah. I walk out happily. Going to my closet and pulling on cloths. They don't fit. Ha. Awesome. I look at serenity. Her and I are now about the same size.

" Serenity could you maybe get me some cloths your size. " She nods quietly a blush forming on her cheeks.

" Guys. " They look to me. I put a robe on to not make them feel uncomfortable.

" Yes. " I smile.

" I think this change is because we finally found ourselves. "

" We?" they ask in unison. I nod

" Yeah we. " they jump back in shock at my voice. It was slightly deeper and lighter at the same time. With my regular voice I. The midst as well.

" Your voice. "

" Your eyes" they both say at the

" Hm yes. What about them?"

" They changed. Again. " Revana steps forward and touches my face.

" You changed. " she states. And I smile and nod.

" We are finally one. " I say my voice I know now permanently changed so are my eyes. No longer just one color. But brown red and black. I look in the mirror and then back at them. Serenity comes in and hands me the cloths. I put them on and the shirt is a bit tight but underwear and leggings fit fine.

" Come on. " I say opening the door and walking out sensing them following. Athena grabs my hand and Amanda grabs the other. I smile. Walking outside  the pack cheers. A wave of emotions hitting me. Relief and happiness. Anger and even fear. Some curiosity and confusion. I look at everyone and smile. Finally I feel at peace. Squeezing the girls hands. I let go and walk to address the pack.

" I. No. We are happy to be back. "And they cheer every one. At this moment I felt all their happiness. I notice its night and I shift which everyone follows and we run. Revana and Michelle at my side. Serenity in the air. The kids following warriors at the very back protecting the young and weak. I howl making everyone do the same.

We are all one.

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