chapter 13

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Casey's pov

It takes about 3 hours for us to get back to my territory and I feel a rush of relief as I step out and touch my ground. Mine. Im home. I inhale deeply but next thing I know I'm being tackled to the ground.

" Caseyy where have you been I've missed you. Are you okay. Why do you smell different. OMG you smell so good. Its not a bad smell. It still smells like apples and cinnamon except its something new. " she talks quickly as she clings onto me. I laugh out.

" Julia I'm fine lets get up. " she nods and smiles. She still looks the same blonde hair blue eyes big breast. Except she's a bit more buff now.

" Case I'm so happy you're back. I missed my alpha. " she grabs my hand and walks on. I look behind me to see Rose close to attacking and Michelle's face blank but when she looks at me she smiles. Athena Amanda and May following us. Everyone else looking around at their new home.

" He's here. Kayla. " May states and I nod.

" Call me Casey. Rose go get him please. " I say and May shrugs then nods. Yes this is so easy everything is going my way.

" Amanda you're okay Baby. " he whispers and she looks at them then up to May. She shakes her head and Amanda frowns at he soon to be dead father. I laugh out loud. This is all going my way.

" Casey baby. " I hear to voices at once and my mother and father come running to me I smile as I run to them hugging them tightly.

" Mom Dad I missed you so much. " I cry out and they cry too.

" I know honey. I know. " my mom whispers and I almost collapse. But I can't I have to stay strong. I have to kill him for what he did.

" Okay. Mom Dad we caught him. Ha finally. " I smile and the shake their head.

" Casey you shouldn't kill him. We should hold a trial. He is the king of the Vampire and Rogue kingdom. " My dad says and I glare.

" He killed my mate. My Falen. He got his fucking mate to kill her. Now I will kill him and his. Bring out Herrick. " I scream.

" Casey. " my mom calls.

" No he kill my bestfriend and my brother his mate who was pregnant with my niece or nephew. He killed lots of people for his own selfish gain. Now he will fucking die. Amanda Athena in the house now. " I say not wanting a repeat from earlier.

" This will cause wars. " my dad yells and I turn towards him. And just shake my head something's off

" What are you doing Casey. We I thought you forgave me. " he whispers.

" Really Herrick you kill my mate and I automatically for you. Naw not a chance. Oh Gerald bring him too. "  I say remembering he raped Matthew. Mine all mine. Time for revenge.

" Casey. But why? " he says taking his spot next to the other two. I snarl.

" You know exactly why. You raped Matthew. Probably the reason why he rejected me. Why all this shit is happening. Why can't everything be like normal. Why couldn't I have been normal." I cry out. Everyone growing agitated with my cries. Right calm down.

"Are you sure this is what we want. " Vera asks. I have my doubts.

" Of course it is kill them. Now rip their fucking heads off. " Rogue snaps and I smile. Yes of course. Kill them.

" You first Herrick. Any last words. " I ask and he frowns then nods.

" I'm sorry for Falen. I'm sorry as well May. I was the cause of your grief. I killed your mate. I'm sorry to everyone I have harmed in any way. " he whispers the last part and I frown. He means it too. He is apologizing sincerely.

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