chapter 20

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Hel's pov

" So we have a schedule. A time set for everything. Even shower usage. Casey wanted everything to be in order. She was tired of random people popping up and random shit happening. You know. And alot of that happened. Its like trouble followed her. But you know that. " Nina's was giving me an official tour of the pack territory.

" So Hel how you liking the place so far? " We stop at a door and I shrug. I haven't been here long enough to like anything.

" Hm well this is your room. Its right across from Michelle's and right next to Revana's. " I nod and open the door. The rooms pretty basic.

" Oh I typed out the schedule and set it on your desk. I have to go. Duties call " She walks away quickly and I close the door. Okay time to myself. I have time to process this. There was something I did but I can't remember. Its like its locked away. Is it human symptoms. Maybe it'll come back to me over time. I sit but jump up when she opens the door.

" We'll take you to the store later. To get clothing and anything you need okay." I nod and she closes the door.

" What have I gotten myself into. " I sit back down.

" Bet your laughing up there. " I close my eyes and lay back. 


Casey pov

Reaching the Faerie Kingdom we got settled and now Michele's men are taking us to Matthew.

" Took is a year to find him and he's working happily at a old diner. " Vera states and I can't help but get irritated when I see him kiss a woman and two little kids run to him.

" Lets be reasonable about this guys. We must stay calm and we must think this through. These kids are about 8 or 9. There's no way these could be his kids." Saga explains. I nod irritation still there. I turn to Richard and Pearl. 

" Come on. You guys stay. " I grab Rose's hand and Michele's men nod and stay put. Revana and Serenity following close behind.

" Matthew. " I call his name and he turns. His eyes widen.

" My queen. Its a pleasure to meet you and I and happy you know my name. How may I help you. Our specials are "

He stops talking when he looks at my face again. This can't be Matthew.

" I can't smell his wolf. He smells like a faerie. He is a faerie. They got a look alike. " Saga states and I nod.

" I'm sorry Ive come to the wrong place. Goodbye. " I turn and leave

" Are you alright. " Pearl asks me and I look hard at her.

" That's not Matthew!"

" Yes that is Alpha. He looks like him. He has the same blood type. He's a wolf. He has the same hair color and eye color. His DNA matches all the samples. This is the guy. " Richard explains showing me his info on his laptop. I look back at the Diner. Looking at Matthew.

" How do you know he's a wolf. " I ask still looking at the Diner.

" We followed him for a while before we contacted Michele with our info. He disappears once a month for a whole week. When we followed him we found traces of wolf fur and saliva and it matched with his DNA."

" Okay lets try this again. " I turn and we walk back. Richard and Pearl coming along as well.

" Matthew tell us about yourself. "I sit down and he looks to the woman across the counter. She shrugs and goes into he kitchen.

" Kids go outside and play. " The boy gets up and runs out, but the girl looks at me then Rose and I hands together.

" Anna go. " Matthew says hard and she looks at him the us again.

" Father says two women aren't suppose to love each other. "

" Annabelle!  "

" Father says its disgusting and that you should burn in hell. " She cries out when Matthew grabs her arm. The woman comes out quickly.

" What did I tell you about hurting my children?!?" she glares at him kissing Annabelle

" She was running her mouth and speaking bad of our Queens. She needs to learn discipline yet you won't let me. " His speaks low but hard.

" She's never been handled roughly and I'm sorry my Queen for her mouth. "

" Its fine. Whose her father if you aren't Matthew. " I ask curious.

" I never knew the man and Casandra doesn't like talking about him. " I nod and look to the two.

" Could you leave. We want to speak to Matthew privately. " Casandra nods and they both leave out.

" What is it that you want to talk about my Queen?" I look at him hard for a couple of seconds.

" Who are you?" he makes a confused face and looks at the others.

" Well my name is Matthew Hayes." He even uses his own name and he doesn't recognize me. Is this what Hel was talking about? More troubles to follow.

" Are you mated to that woman ? " I nod to her standing outside. He shakes his head.

" No her husband is still mated to her. Im just helping out. "

" But you're sleeping with the woman in the process. " he nods

" It didn't start that way. She's a very beautiful woman. She needed someone's shoulder to cry on when her husband left. And one thing led to another. But I couldnt see myself mated to her. Something is holding me back. I dont know maybe its just me being stupid.  " I look to Rose and she shrugs. Something not right. This is so weird.

" Agreed. Matthews but acting himself. "

" Well duh Vera.  "

" No I mean. Hes acting like Casey did when Rogue took control except hes not crazy. Right? "

" Vera right. Tyler did this. Im sure of it. "

" He's dead. We saw him die. " Saga says and I shake my head.

" Matthew whats you father name?"

" Tyler Hayes. " Oh this this is definitely the work of Tyler. I stand up and pace back and forth. Something not right. I missing something. What though? I yank Matthew up

" Wha. . what are you doing? " he wiggles trying to get free.

" Sorry Matthew this going to hurt. " I bite his neck and stab into his side with my claws. He screams out but the mark of servitude shows and i let go. Once I do it disappears. Oh my God.

" Tyler's not dead. "

Hey guys I am sorry for yet another slow update. I need to get it together. But eh life. Anywho let me know if you like the chapter and of course



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