chapter 31

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Michelle's pov

We are all sitting and eating at the dining table and I'm watching Casandra. She's sitting next to Matthew like always since they got here anyways. She normally next to him and if not next to him close by. If his talking to someone and he can't answer she does its like she's his mother. The kids are sitting next to Casey. They've taken a shine to her and well she is the same way with them. The twins are next to each other and usually Hel sits next to Nina but today she decided to sit next to me. She's not saying anything but everytime I look at her she blushes. Weird because I hate her and she knows I hate her. So if she's having a crush on me then she must have gotten punched a little to hard in the face. Got a concussion or something. Either way I can't be distracted with an idiot having a crush on me. She's not my mate so why bother. Lets stop this early then shall we.

" What is it that you want ? " I ask her still focusing on Casandra
" Hm ?" she makes a questioning noise

" Did I studder?  "

" Oh no um nothing. I don't want anything. " I glance at her then back to Casandra. Whose whispering something to Matthew. Shit I missed the first part but she said something about meeting her alone later. Then she gets up and leaves. I get up to leave but Hel grabs my hand. So I do the only logical thing I can think of. I punch her.

" What the fuck ? " She screeches and I smile. Casey is looking confused from where she's sitting so I link her saying ill explain later and go after Casandra.

Once out the dinning room I walk to Casandra and Matthews room. He's still in the dinning room but I didn't catch where she wanted to meet him so I check the bedroom first. The door is slightly cracked I can here mumbling. Closing my eyes I breathe out silently.

" If you're uncomfortable here we can leave. No one has to know Casandra. " Matthew whispers and I can hear shuffling feet. I could have sworn he was still in the dining room though. He must have left right when I punched Hel.

" Matthew you don't understand. "

" What don't I understand?!? We do not have to stay here if you don't want to! " he raises his voice and she shushes him saying something to low for me to here.

" Fuck. " I whisper and they go quiet.

" Whose there? " Casandra yells and basically yanks the door open. I already dipped into the room across from their's but she knows someone was listening. I can hear her curse

" We go tonight Matthew. " I hear the door close and footsteps recede.

Opening the door slowly I peek down the hall both ways. No one is around.

" Hm seems we have a problem. " Ral states and I nod my head.

" Casey their planning to leave tonight. I'm following them now. Any orders. " I link Casey and she responds immediately.

" Kill her. " Says nothing else after that.

I nod and follow Casandra's scent their inside the kids room. Of course the kids are still with Casey so they must just be packing them up.

" I think we should catch them when their about to leave. " Ral says and I nod. Closing my eyes and breathing in silently.

" You were talking so loud someone heard us. So we have to be careful leaving. If it was anyone higher up we're fucked. " Casandra's states. She sounds pissed.

" You keep saying I don't understand this. I don't understand that. I pisses me off. Im not a child Casandra. " I can tell she's glaring at him because he mumbles whatever else he had to say.

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