Imagines/ short stories

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Hello my fellow readers.. Well more like Cncowners but you get the point

I the one and only decided to make short stories or imagines of the guys whether they are in CNCO or not but I think they are mainly going to be about the guys so (shrugs) yeah

Just to be clear I have never written one but I had a few ideas and I thought hey why not give it a try

So here I am

Ohhh and here's a random fact you... (Any wdw fans... No ohh ok) you guys can ask for request (smiles genuinely)

Oh and the most important thing of all

Drum roll plzzz

Enjoy :)

1.your name
2.the boy you want me to write it about
3.tell me a little about how you would like it
•you guys getting together
• breaking up
•going on a date etc. patient it takes time :)

»Loadss of Love C.«

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