kill me -J.P

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"Hell nah"

I told Joel and Yoandri & the other guys which consisted of Jaime Chris Zabdi Erick Johann Richard Yashua y Emma con Celine

We were playing truth or dare and I choose dare b/c I ain't a pussy and Yoandri knew I was going to pick dare

His dare was to have 30 minutes of heaven with Joel or less y pues claro que no I mean yeah Joel's hot but he's my friend and he has a girlfriend well actually they're just talking but still

"a dare is a dare" Yoandri told me

"Out of all the dares you could say why that one" I told him as I got up

"B/c I wanted to make it funny"he told me

"Oh come on y/n it's just 30 min you know you could just go in there for like 5 min."Erick told me

"Easy for you to say your not the one doing it -.-"I told Erick as I glared at him and Yoandri

"Mami if I were the one that had gotten that dare and it was with you claro que si"he winked at me after saying that

I know he was just joking around b/c this how we get along but no that's to much -.-

I rolled my eyes and said fine b/c if I don't do the dare I would have to drink something Yoandri made and he made it taste disgusting or so I heard from Johann and Yashua who decided not to do the dare and I wasn't going to take the chance

I grabbed Joel's hand and we went to my room b/c we were playing at my house -.-

"If you don't want to we could watch videos on YouTube"me dijo Joel

"Really"I asked surprised

"Yeah I'm not going to force you or anything"Joel told me

"Aww your so sweet dude por eso te quiero" I gave him a peck on the cheeck and we turned on my computer

Joel being Joel wanted to watch those scary video pranks and I agreed b/c he was being nice you know

He put one on and fuck was it really scary and we weren't even at 5 min. stupid ppl pranking innocent ppl how sad

I screamed a little and Joel just laughed at me

"It's not funny at all Joel"I told him "of course not its hilarious"he said while laughing more

I slapped him on the shoulder and rolled my eyes he was talking to me but I ignored him I guess he got the memo b/c he hugged me and whispered "I'm sorry baby" in my ear

You might be asking why "baby" well b/c thats how we get along and when he said that to me the first time in front of my parents my dad being a dad was being "over protective" and my mom being a mom was excited but I told them that we weren't together my mom was a little disappointed cuz like idk pero unlike my dad he seemed happy but yeah that's how we get along

Anyway I still ignored him and him being Joel didn't stop

"Is my princess mad"he hugged me "I'm sorry I love you y/n"

I tried to ignore him but I couldn't b/c he gave me kisses all over my face I won't say I didn't like it b/c honestly I loved it pero es que me echo baba >.<

"Ok ok I'm not mad" I told him "actually I wasn't even mad"

"Then why did you ignore me" he asked "you said it kid I ignored you I don't see the word mad or anything"I told him

"Darling I know you were mad" Joel told me

"No I was just uhh zoned out yeah I was zoned out" le dije "oh yeah of course" he said

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