singing with CNCO

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Imagine for turtlecat1D

I decided to just sing in the streets of LA. Im not famous famous but i am well known for my talent

I grabbed my jacket and tweeted on Twitter where i would be singing at

10 min later I arrived there and Saw a few people already there

I sang hey dj because im a big fan of CNCO so I mainly sing some of there songs including from other singers

So here I am singing when i hear some guys join in

I don't know how many there are but im pretty sure I heard a cubano voice and it sounded so familiar

I turned around trying to look for them when my eyes landed on the one and only CNCO!!!

Me being a fan girl stopped singing and starred at them with a surprised expression plastered on my face

"Cantas muy bien" said Erick

"Uhhh thank you" i smiled

"Lets sing reggaeton lento"Richard suggested

"Alright" we all agreed that after we finish singing reggaeton lento we will sing tan fácil

"Porque tú me miras y yo siento lo mismo que tú cuando te miro siento que me estoy enamorando"

"Será tus ojos será tu pelo ese perfume que está en tu cuerpo es como un sueño del que no despierto cuando te acercas te quiero besar"...

After singing a few more songs and taking pictures with fans (mainly them) we sat down

"Wow desde cuándo cantas" zabdiel asked

"For like 2 anos"

"Wow you sing really nice"Chris told me

"Thank you"

We were all talking but Joel was very quite

'does he not like me' i wondered

I guess the guys noticed so they decided we should go get something to fill up our tummies

Chris wanted some pizza so we went to order

So whats your name we never asked" Richard asked

"My name is Catalina"

"Well Catalina we decided that you should do a cover with us does that sound good"

"I would love too" i had a huge smile plastered on my face

A fan singing with their idols can this day get any better

We finished eating our pizza and they offered to give me a ride back to my place

"Thank you guys so much, I had fun today"

"You are very welcome"

"Well lets stay in touch can we have your phone number"


We exchanged numbers

Its been 3 months since I meet the guys. Lets just say we have gotten very close

Joel became a very great friend and I am currently hanging out with him

"You know how the first day we met I was very quite"

I nodded

"Its because you really surprised me"

"Really" I laughed

"Yeah I mean you're really talented anyway I kinda wanna ask you something"

"Alright shoot"

"When we did the cover for 'Shape of you' I started having feelings for you"

I smiled

"You're really pretty" I blushed " and I wanna know if you'd like to be my girlfriend"

"I would love to" I hugged him

Hope you like it

Thnx for reading

Love C.P

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