Se Vuelve Loca -C.V

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I laughed 

"ughhh otra vez" I heard chris sigh after

They were practicing the dance moves for their new music video Se Vueleve Loca

Which is an amazing song if I do say so myself

Chris is trying to get tye dance moves

"otra vez"he said

"actually lets catch a break" Joel suggested

The guys all went a separate way either to get food or go to the bathroom or whatever

"ughhh" I heard someone groan so I turned around

"Chris what's wrong" I asked

"Es que I just can't get the dance moves right"

"Chris no te preocupes" I smile "your just worring to much. chris just take a big deep breathe"

"ok" he takes a deep breathe and exhales

"are you good now" I asked


"Chris lets practice the dance moves together"


After a while we got the dance moves correct and we just kept doing the dance.

The guys joined us as after a while and then I sat down and let them record

Ahhh I loved writing this one. I had it all planned out in my head but didn't have the time to actually write it anyways here it is

I hope you guys enjoy reading it

Joel ⭐

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