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"jhezee your not going to die" Joel mumbled

"I know but it's cold"

"what a baby" he mumbled

"jerk" I said it very loud and clear so he can hear

"come on its just like a 30 sec run" he states as a matter of fact "but that's if your fast"

"ugh fine but if I die it's your fault" I pointed my finger at him

"ok but your not going to die"

"Hey you never know" I shrugged

I got out the car and entered his house, locked the doors and just watched him through the window

"oh come on open the door muffin" he whined

"sorry no can do this is what happens when your a total jerk" I smiled innocently

I stuck my tongue out like a mature kid ;) and walked to the sofa and sat down looking through my Instagram

"Hey y/n" someone said behind me

"Holy shit Israel you scared the crap out of me"

"oops my bad but umm where is Joel" he raised an eyebrow

"Oh just outside"


"Because he was being such a pain in the ass by it's nothing new"

"Hey Izzy open the door plz" we heard Joel's yell

Israel started walking to the door but I stopped him

"if you open the door you'll regret it I'm going to tell Chris not to play soccer with you guys"

"is that a threat" he questioned

"maybe" i shrugged

"well you know what they say. you should always listen to your elders right

"I'm an elder too" he remarked

"Well that's true" he slowly walked to the door

"Izzy you love me verdad"

"Well a lil" he smiled

"don't open the door and I'll do whatever you want"

"Well alright then but what ever right"

"Well yeah"

Hey bribing works

I was sitting down "watching" TV well not really b/c I kept getting texts from Joel but I got up b/c I heard voices outside when I went to check I saw Emanuel and Joel dang it I saw that Emanuel had keys -.-

"wait how long have you been out here" Emanuel said between laughter

"Oh just the last 30 min or something and it's not funny"

"Of course not it's hilarious"

I felt the urge to laugh so I did & I guess he heard b/c I felt his eyes starring at me while he was doing that Emanuel opened the door Joel came in and boi did he look happy

"Man it was fucken freezing out there I could have died muffin"

"But weren't you the one that said and I quote 'your not going to die muffin' or am I wrong"

"Yes but b/c it was just for a little bit not 30 something min" he glared at me

"are you mad at me"

While I was laughing I felt some hands around my waist & I instantly knew they were Joel's b/c fuck they were so cold so I slightly pushed him

"hey do you not like my hugs anymore b/c I sure do remember you said you missed them last night" he wiggles his eyebrows

I slapped his chest "shut up"

"Do I won't to know what happened last night"

"We didn't do anything" I said and then I turned towards Joel "your hands are so cold"

"Well I mean that's what happens when the girl you take out for dinner locks you outside your own fucken house"

"how sad I bet the guy still likes the girl thoe doesn't he" I asked

"he sure does but if I were him I would of have left"

"Well then it's a good thing he ain't you b/c damn would he be so stupid why would he leave if it's his own fucken house" I raised my eyebrow

"he's still a gentleman don't you think"

"maybe he left to his friends house b/c he felt bad or something maybe even sad"

"Ughhhh Ill let you win b/c atleast I'm a gentleman"

"that's the funniest joke I've ever heard I think ima pee my pants" I smiled

I saw how his face turned hella serious and then he smiled

"you can't pee your pants since you don't have any on"

I rolled my eyes. he was trying to be such a smart ass

"well if you didn't know it'd called an expression I think"

"maybe it wasn't you never know"

"Joel stop you said you'd let me win so shut up"

He chuckled and then hugged me

»idk I was something that just randomly came up to my mind so why not :)«

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