you're such a drama queen- C.V.

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"So my buddy here Joel told me that guys were flirting with you today" Christopher wiggled his eyebrows

"I told JJ not to tell you" I groan

"Why not"

"Because you'd probably make fun of me" I add in a duh tone

"Why would I,you're getting hoes "

"I know it's cuz I'm awesome and amazing"

"Or maybe because your the one and only Christopher Velez's little sister"

"Why of course how could I have forgotten that" I replied sarcastically

"I know I'm wounded" he places his hand on his chest "ahh mi corazonsito"

"Your such a drama queen Chris"

"Whatever" he oh so dramatically flips his oh so very long hair

I laughed

"Let's go get something go eat I'm starving" he ran to his car

"Same here"

"Like brother like sister" he said while getting on the car

"Your so weird"

" I am not" he pouted "I'm sexy"

"And very cocky" I mumbled

"I heard that you know"

"I don't care"

"I'm hurt"

"And I'm y/n" I smiled "nice to meet you"

"Im y/n Nice to meet you" he mimicked

I just laughed


"What is taking them forever I'm dying of hunger here"

"Oh god Chris" I face palm myself "good food takes time brother mine"

"Well they should work faster I'm dying" he groaned

"Your hamburger and milkshakes"

"Thank you your my god no wait goddess you just saved my life"

"Don't mind him he's a big drama queen" I told the waitress and she just laughed

"Oh god yes" he moans

I shook my head

This brother of mine

Very short one any way I decided to write a book which I'm gonna post next year the begging of January its called my brother's best friend just in case anyone want to read it ;)

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