Secret box-C.V

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"Give it back" I started running after Chris

"Oh hell naw these, these are precious great for a lot of things actually" Chris yelled

"Christopher please don't be such an asshole!"

"What I can't hear you I'm all the way over here and you're all the way over there" he yelled

I swear if looks could kill Christopher would be buried more than 6ft under ground.

"CHRISTOPHER BRYANT VELEZ MUÑOZ" I yelled " give them to me right now or else-"

"Or else what"

Ok let's go back a little. We were all in my room you know just chillin and talking shit on people because isn't that what friends do.

Kidding we were just watching a movie. Anyway his phone fell and he picked it up but he saw this box, which is actually my secret box, and decided to get it.

I'm that box I have baby pictures that are so embarrassing. I took them off the photo book so my parents especially my mom wouldn't show them to anyone.

She showed them to the pizza delivery guy. THE PIZZA DELIVERY GUY.

God I was so embarrassed so I hid them and now he has them.

"This picture give me a reason to live"

I'm pretty sure he was talking about the one where I was wearing a skirt and I being a little curious girl, was following a bunny. It went in a hole and guess what I did. I went down the hole but I got stuck and my parents thought it'd be a good idea to take a picture of me before helping me.

Why? I don't know

"Just you wait Velez"

"I'll post these on the internet it's going to be funny as hell"

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed a well known number"


"Hey no time to chit-chat mission 'exposing Velez 4.0' is on the go"

See 4.0 because he annoys me a lot! But that's not the only name we have like 5 more

Mission Bryant the B

Mission Idiotic Creature

Mission Panda

Mission Helping Velez

And last but not least

"Mission Saving Lunatic Christopher

"Ok lord what did he do. Actually never mind tell me later but record his reaction for me alright"

"Yes m'am" i laughed

"Bye" he hung up after laughing

"What did you do. You're smiling like a lunatic. That's creepy "

"Oh nothing"

My phone vibrated and it showed that he sent me a video.

"Hey Chris if you don't give me these pictures I'll post this video of you."

I showed it to him. I think he was about 5 but anyway he had his underwear on his head and a blanket on his back.

I'm not sure why but he did. He was a superhero anyway he was running and he feel on the mud his face was covered and he smiled. His teeth had mud to.

"What the hell where'd you get that video. Actually never mind I know from who."

He looked at me and then at the pictures in his hand. He sighed

"Alright dime here have the pictures" he stretched out his hand so I walked today him to get them.

I got them but then he took my phone

"Deleted now you don't have it"

"Of Chris don't you know me by now. I have it saved in other devices"

"Damn it"

I'm so sorry I know I said I was going to update yesterday but um I knocked out right after work! Sorry but I hope you guys like this one. Plus I feel like it's something Chris would do 🙃

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