jealous -J.P

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Today is one of my guy best friends birthday and me being his best friend decided to make him a poster it said "happy birthday you "sexy beast love you!" and at the corner of the poster it says "sike you thought"

Joel was waiting for me down stairs so we could go to school Joel is my boyfriend and I'm not trying to brag or anything but he is the best boyfriend ever.

"hurry up princessa"

"hold up just let me put on my shoes" I yelled from my room

"alright then"

I put on my shoes and went down stairs

"damn that's my baby" and he winked which only caused me to blush "you look even cuter when you blush" and that made me blush even more I hate that he has this effect on me

"stop it come on lets go" I grabbed his hand and we headed outside to his car

"what's that for" he said referring to the poster I have in my hands

"oh this its a poster" I answered

"gheeze thanks for pointing out the obvious"

"your very welcome"I just smiled

"no but seriously for what"

"for Omar's birthday"

"oh yeah I forgot today is his birthday"

"yeah and later I assume right after school we are going to hang out for a while"

"oh that's sounds fun where at thoe"

"Well he texted Yoandri and he said that we could go watch a movie and then later we could to his house and order pizza"

"talking about Omar look he's right there and boi does he have game"

I turned and saw he was surrounded by girls

"Joel" I furrowed my eyebrows

"I'm just kidding baby"

"ok but why is there a lot of girls surrounding him I mean its an everyday thing but today there a lot of them"

"It's his birthday princess"

"Oh well come with me so I can give him his poster"

"alright lets go" he grabbed my hand and we walked to where Omar was at

"happy birthday"

I hugged him and then Joel gave him a side bro hug

"thank you guys"

I noticed some girls were starting to leave

"for wishing me a happy birthday and making some of the girls go away"

"your welcome" and I laughed

"I mean I know I'm hot but-"

"oh shut up" I groaned "Don't flatter your self "

"you aren't that hot" Joel added "I'm actually hotter than you see those girls over there they are looking at me" he smirked and then winked at the girls

I slapped his shoulder

"don't worry princess I only have eyes for you" and then he kissed me

"keep it PG guys we are at school" he said while covering his eyes

I still had the poster in my hand so i decide to whack him with it

"owww that hurt dude what is it"

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