Jokes -J.V

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"no Johann"

"plzzz it's going to be fun" Johann pleaded


"But why"

"b/c I - idk"

"come on plz I'll buy you food I'll be yours all day and tomorrow"

"you got yourself a deal"i smirked

"oh shit what did I get myself into"

"your the one that said you wanted to do it"i shrugged

"alright let see I have this" he showed me those things that ladies use when they are 'pregnant'

Yeah I'm going to be 'pregnant' Johann decides to do a joke on our families saying we're pregnant I just hope my mom doesn't give me this big lecture just b/c I'm 18 and he's 21 blah blah

"that one is so big you said its suppose to be already 2 months"

"alright this is one it's not that big "

"it's perfect"

I put it on well tried and I failed so I asked Johann

"wow ima be a father"

I slapped his shoulders

"you're an idiot"

"I'm your idiot " he winked

"how cheesy"

He kissed my forehead and then my tummy

"Johann stop" I laughed

"I'm practicing it has to look believable"

"whatever so where are we getting those umm what's the word-"

"the ultrasound" he interrupted me

"yeah that"

"I'll just get it from Steph"

"Steph but why her"

"baby don't worry she won't say anything Steph loves you alright"

"if by love you mean playing pranks on me then it is"i mumbled

"what " he asked

"no nothing so when is she" a car honk interrupted me

"there she is"

"Johann" stephy yelled


I just standed there as the 2 cousins hugged

"here they are but why do you need them"

"you'll see in a bit" Johann assured her

"oh hey y/n"


I saw as she eyed me and turn she had a confused look on her face

"Wait your pregnant Johann why didn't you just use her ultra sound you idiot "

"you'll see why "

"whatever ima go talk to your sister adios "


"Ama we have something to tell you" Johann said

Johann's mom looked at us and then she said 'que pasa'

"umm well I- you see"i mumbled

"que pasa hija" my dad asked

"voy hacer papa" Johann said excitedly

"ayy si como no hijo" Johanns mom said "que buena broma"

Johann looked at me

"it's not a joke I'm serious mom "

"Err umm aqui estan los ultrasonidos" I handed them to her

"OMG por eso comes mucho" my mom said

wow that is so offensive I don't eat a lot well maybe just a little but what can I say love food; food is life

"well siempre a comido much so..." my dad said

geez dad thnx for the help

"wow this is so i don't know its just so very shocking"

"mom no estas feliz vas hacer abuela" johann told his mom very excitedly

"pues no se" she sighs "I mean yeah i guess i am but then again you guys are very young"

"yes hija your only what 18 and he's 21 you guys arent even married"

Mom you and dad arent even married y tienen 2 children" my spanglish is legit kool ;) jkkkk

"hey this is different we are in a different era"

"mommy you know you just called yourself old" said my 7 yr old brother Omar

"callate Omar" my mom scolded him

me being that good sister I am decided to high five him

"but its true mom its a different era which means like a long time ago but this is different"

"you guys have to be married"

"i agree with your mom hija" johann's mom agreed

"oh come on is it really necessary"

"yes, yes it is and nothing will change our decision" my dad finally talked "end of discussion"

"actually i think there is"

"mom this is something really really important so you better sit down actually all of you guys should alright"johann stood up while talking "alright soooo..."

"stop making it a big deal and say it already some people have something to do" stephy said

" calm down Stephanie oh and here" he handed her the ultra sound

"im not the father"

"QUE" they all siad in unision surprised and then they all gave me a look

I turned to Johann and mouthed 'wtf' and he just winked at me

"what do you mean your not the father what's going on here" my mother looked at me

"idk" i heard myself say

"im not the father b/c she's not even pregnant"

"hijo de tu" i heard Johann's mom mumble

"Ya no te voy a crear johann no hagas esas bromas"

"so then you just ate food b/c you like food" jenny ,one of my cousins, aasked

"yes" and then i turned to look at my mom " that was kind of offensive mom

"sorry" she mouthed

"so then who's ultra sound was that" johann's mom asked "b/c the date was really recent"

"oh thats where I come in" stephanie said


"tia" she loked at johann's mom "im pregnant"

"this is no joke right"


"aww congratulations mija"

"thnx tia"

"wait this isn't another joke is it"Stephanie ,Johann's little sister asked " i"m actually going to be a tia"

"Yes" we all said

"this is so cool"


Afgfsgfasgas hehehe i liked this one sorta i ddecided to make a johann one b/c i havent done one so yeah i hope you guy like it and if you guys could recomend a guy ;)

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