he left and came back -J.P

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Its been 8 months since Joel left me

8 months and I still love him


"Come with me this one time and I do whatever you want me to do" he told

I want you to stay with me


We got on a plane our destination New York

"We're here love"

I raised one of my eyebrows

"Just you and me today alright princess"

I smiled

We had a nice 'romantic' dinner and took a stroll down the beach

"Hurry love we still got more places to be"

"More" I laughed "Joey my legs hurt carry me"

"Anything you say princess" he winked "get on my back"

We went to an amusement park and after we headed to the hotel

"I had a lot of funny today" I yawned

"I did to" he smiled and hugged me "I wish today will never end"

He lifted me up and carried me bridal style

I layer my head on his chest

"Me neither" I mumbled

My eyes started to slowly shut

"I love you" I heard him say

"I love you too Joel" I mumbled and then everything went black

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