tutor session -R.C

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"So do you understand it now" up asked Richard

"Yeah sortaish" he shrugged

"Ok let me explain it again"

I grabbed a piece of paper from the table

"Ok so if we want to find the distance between two points what formula do we use?" I asked Richard

"Um the slope formula right"

"Exactly, so our two points are (4,10) & (2,7)"

He labeled what number was the x and which one was the y [A/n: (x,y)]


"Alright now you put them in the slope formula. Remember the y'all always go on top and the x's go on the bottom"

"Y¹ goes first right"

"Yup" I nodded

I did the work on my piece of paper before hand so I just looked at what he was doing

It's not creepy alright

"I did the slope formula and got m=7-10/ 2-4

which equals -3 /-2 right "

"That is correct" I smiled "what do you do next"

"Umm isn't it the Pythagorean theorem"

"Yup" I popped the p


He started writing on his piece of paper

"I got -3²+-2²=c² wait when I square a negative does it stay negative or"

"A negative times a negative will always equal a positive"

"So then it's 9+4=c squared which will equal 13=c squared

"Exactly and now you square root both sides"

"Square root of 13 is equal to the square root of c squared"

"Yes but since you square rooted the c it no longer contains the 2"

"Ok so my final answer will be c= the square root of 13"


"Wait so I don't have to find the decimal thing"

"No, I mean yes but you don't have to"

I have him a few more problems before it was time to go and he's gotten all of them right so far

"Ok last one (2,8) (2,6)"

"The answer would be c=2" he said very confidently

"That is..." I was teasing him

"I got it wrong didn't I"he sighed and ran his hand through his hair "let me do it again"

"No silly you got it right"

"Geez you scared me"

"sorry" I laughed and he chuckled "do you have any questions"

"Uh yeah would you go out with me"

It took me by surprise but when I realized he was waiting for an answer I smiled


"Now any other questions"

You see I was referring to math but he didn't quite catch that

"Well how about today @8"

I smiled

"Sounds good"

I'm so fucken sorry if I confused the shit out of you guys
well I hope you guys liked it

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