Pool Party- R.C

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"Mommy, mommy guess what" my 4 year old daughter said

"What darling"

"Daddy is taking me to the pool"

"oh really"

"Yeah and Daddy said its a secret" she put her finger next to her mouth and shushed me

"Mommy are you going with us to the pool"

"yes baby I am"

"yayy" she jumped "Look mommy look,  Daddy right there"

"Honey" Richard came up to me and kissed me

"Eww Daddy that's gross"

"Come here princess" he grabs her and lifts her up "Want a kiss too"

She laughs "No daddy no"

I laugh

"Daddy stop it"

"ok I'll stop but if you give me a kiss"

"K daddy" she kissed his cheek

"Daddy can we go to the pool now pretty please"

"yes we can but first go get changed"

"Yay" she jumps "Hurry mommy hurry"

She pulls my shirt

"Go to your room I'll be there in a second alright"

"ok mommy"

She went running to her room

"so it's a surprise" I raise my eyebrow

"well it was but she heard me tell Erick when I called him"

I laugh

"oh Richard "


"I'm going" I went to her room

"Mommy I wanna wear this one"

"ok then let's put it on"

"why did daddy say it's a surprise"

"I don't knew princess we'll find out later"

I put on her swim suit and she ran towards the pool

"Daddy catch me" she told Richard as she jumped in

A few minutes later we saw Erick walk in with his nephew Thiago

"Look Daddy it's Erick and Thiago"

"It's is princess"

"And look its Joel and Chris too"

"Yay it's a party mommy" she laughs

It's simple and short I know but I hope you guys like it

-C ⭐

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