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"Richard can I paint your nails." I asked

"You want to paint my nails" he smiled

"Yeah can I"

"Why" he laughed

"Because I don't know I just want to spend more time with you"

"Baby you have me all day today"

"Do I" I questioned

"Yes I'm all yours for today" he hugs me

"Yes" i hugged him and gave him a peck in the mouth

"So what do you want to do"

"I want you to paint my nails."

"Whatever you want babe"

"Okay Wait here let me get my nail polish"

I went to my room and got 5 different nail polishes

"Okay so i have a red one, orange, pink, black and light blue."

"Hmm so what color do you want."

"Surprise me"

"Really what if it looks ugly"

"Well who cares. If you do it I'll like it because you did it"

He kisses me

"I love you. You know that right"

"Yeah" i blushed

After 2 years being together when he says 'I love you' I blush like an idiot

He grabbed the red and black nail polish. He opened the red one and started applying it to my nails skipping my ring finger.

I looked at him and he seemed so concentrated that I smiled

"Hmm maybe I should start painting nails this doesn't look so bad"  I laughed

"Oh Richard"

"What it's true. I mean look I didn't even put nail polish on you fingers, it's all on the finger nails."

"Honestly you do it better than me."

"Damn I'm good"

"Yeah yeah"

"Alright next hand"

I gave him my left hand and he started painting them.

"Wow this looks hot"

"Because it's on me"

"Nah because I painted them"

"Cute" I said after I playfully rolled my eyes

"You're just jealous they come out better than yours"

"How'd you know"

"I'll pretend that's wasn't sarcasm I heard"

I hugged him. "Can I paint your nails" I smiled sweetly

He looks at me

"Yeah but I want them black and if they come out better than mine I'll give you $20" I look up at him



"Oh it's on"

I grabbed the black nail polish and painted his nails. I was doing so good until he tickled me.

"That's not fair Richard"

"Life's not fair Princess" he smirked

"Paint you own nails now" I frowned

"Are you mad baby" I crossed my arms.

"I'm sorry" he hugged me "I'll give you the 20 if you finish painting my nails."

I'm getting the 20!

I looked up at him.

"Actually I'll give you anything you want bebé" and he kissed me

"I was going to finish painting your nails anyway" I grabbed the nail polish and he chuckled

"Of course you were"

I'm so sorry I haven't posted for the longest time ever but I'm back now! And I'll try to update frequently. Hope you guys like it.

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Lots of love C❣️

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