last goodbye's -Y.C

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" its not you have a choice baby"


Oh how I'll miss being called that

"Just leave me alone plz" I told him but did he listen ... NOO


"D-don't call me that" I said trying to hold in some tears that are threatening to come out

"But- I love you y/n"

"Yoandri stop saying the plz" I sighed "I-I don't like you

"Yes you do I know you do"

"Stop it"

"I know why your doing this you don't have to baby you have a choice"

"W-what are you talking about"

Does he actually know or... No he can't I don't want him to get hurt I love him so much

"Baby we could run away just you and me... We could forget about him about everything"


He does know

"Y/n I know everything"

"I-I don't know what you talking about"


I'ma miss this being called princess

"I'm sorry Yoandri I-I don't like you I love Alex"

Yes you love Alex just keep saying that and you'll believe it

Oh who am I kidding I don't love Alex I love Yoandri ... YOANDRI CABRERA

"STOP" he yelled and sighed "plz stop trying to convince yourself"

"Idk what your talking about"

"I love YOU and I'll always love YOU" he reassured me saying 'you' louder

I'll always love you too Yoandri always

"I'll wait for you"


"I'll wait as long as I have to just to hold you"

"Yoandri plz stop"

Your making this harder than it should be

"I love you don't forget that"

He got closer to me his body inches away from mine

He leaned in I knew what he was going to do he was gonna kiss me


He kissed me

I'm sure going to miss those lips

"I-I bye"

And with that I left leaving the love of my life alone

I know it was for the best and I hope he doesn't hate me for this

"Yoandri I-I love you" I mumbled to myself

I walked until I felt someone grab my arm

"You can't and I won't let you"

He kissed me again and you wanna know what I did ...

I kissed back

"No Yoandri plz don't I'm sorry" I sighed "I have to go"

"Y/n plz don't do this to me" I saw tears forming in his eyes and that hurt me

I didn't want to see how I'm hurting him so I turned around and left

I'm sure going to miss my yoyo ...

What do you guys think :) sadd :(
If you want me to make you an imagine tell me plz just tell me your name and the guys name and I'll give you more details later or just go on instagram and ask me  @perfect.joel :)

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