An Unforgettable Birthday -J.P

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"Happy Birthday" we all said as Joel blew the candles

"Happy birthday baby" I kissed him on the cheek

"I have another present for you but its for later" I whispered in his ear and then winked as I handed him his present

He had got all the presents when he decided to go to the living room

He grabbed me by the waist and then sat me on the sofa right next to him

"Can I know what it is" he whined

"Nope" I smirked "but I can show you what it might consist of" I said with a sly smirk

I slowly put my hand on his thigh and slowly moved it up until it was close to his crotch

I started stroking it

"B-baby" He moaned but not to loud only loud enough for me to hear 

"We're leaving now" I heard Joel's mom say as she was getting closer to us

I quickly got up and hugged her

I saw that Joel had quickly grabbed a pillow that was near him and placed it on top of his pants

Aww I gave him a boner

I feel so accomplished

"Good bye Patty" I hugged her

"Joel come say bye to your mom" I smiled

I bet you 100 dollars that he glared at me oh god I'm such an awesome girlfriend

I deserve an award for being the most awesome girlfriend ever 

After a while more people started leaving

"JJ" I walked up to Joel

"What" he said a little annoyed

He sounded mad which made me almost laugh again


"I'm sorry but it was funny"

"Yeah so funny" He glared at me

If looks could kill I'll be more than 6 ft underground from all the glares he's been giving me 

"That little girl had no idea what it was. She was just being curious" I said as I got closer to him

You see after his mom and a couple of people left this little girl asked what was on his pants and let's just say he got a little embarrassed and went somewhere else

I kissed him and he kissed me back

"The present will surely make you forgive me. I mean it'll probably make you forget what just happened" I smiled innocently 

"It better" he whispered in my ear

"Finally" I said as the last person left

Now do not get it wrong I love people well I like their company but anyway I'm just not really a party person so when I planned this out I only invited really close people

"So princess where were we when my mom interrupted" Joel hugged me from behind placing his hands on my waist and pulling me closer to him

"Let me show you" I smirked

I slowly started kissing him from his neck and moving my mouth planting kisses on his jawline and finally kissing him on the mouth

I noticed his breathing started getting uneven and since I'm the most amazing girlfriend on this planet I decided to tease him

"Joel take off your shirt"

I saw whip cream on the table and since it was near me I decided to grab it 

"And your pants too"

"You want me to strip naked for you"he smirked

"Yes Joel I do"

I mean who wouldn't 

So he did a little dance while taking his clothes

Anyway back to the whip cream I sprayed same on my finger and licked it

"This tastes so good" I licked some more off my finger "how would it taste on you"

"Fuck" he moaned "y / n"

I sprayed some on his lips and kissed him then on his nipples and licked it and then down his toned stomach ( oh god his nipple shook >. <)

I licked it very slowly down his v-line

I got to his boxers put my hand on the waistband and took it off

Woahh he's big like humongous big

Gigantic big

Oh god I'm so hilarious

I noticed that he has a boner

Oh god I gave him another boner ha

I should totally tease him again but just for a little bit

So I grabbed it and touched the tip with my tongue

"Y / n"


"Stop teasing"

I licked the tip again


Before I even got to lick it again Joel grabbed my arm and made me stand up. He took off my dress and threw it on the floor

"Eager much"

"Very" he said as he made a hickey on my neck

"Joey" I moaned

He massaged my breast and planted kisses on my chest

God that felt good

He took off my underwear and placed his crotch near it

Aww fuck he's teasing me.I should not have teased him 

Gosh dang

"Joel" I whined

"You do not like it do you"

I shook my head

He chuckled

Clearly I don't find nothing amusing about this 

"Joel just fuck m-"

Before I even got to finish he started thrusting me

"Fuck" he said


"Say my name princess"

"Joel I'm close"

"Me too"

I let out my juices

"Happy birthday" I said as I lay down right next to me

"Shower" he asked

"Yeah" I said as I got up and kissed him again

Let's just say that there were a few more rounds

I'm sure he'll never forget this birthday

* Gets a bucket full of Holy Water *

Anybody wants some I have plenty ;)

Anyway a little something for Joel's birthday 😉

He's 19 😱

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