she tastes good ~J.P

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"no its ok you guys could go"I reassured eddy

"ok"eddy said

"lets just meet up at the food court"

"oh can you buy me some ummmm whats that thing that Joel bought me last time" asked kitty ,my little sister


"the cotton candy"I asked

"yeah that" she had this huge smile on her face "I want the blue one b/c joey told me that one tastes better"

"umm ok"

"well then lets go to the ferris wheel now are you sure you dont want to go" Eddy asked me with a concerned look on his face

"im ok really you guys could go and have fun"

"come on eddy huwwy plizzz"kitty said

" have fun "

I walked around the fair and I thought I saw someone who looked really familiar but then again I think it was just me but I could have sworn that was Joel but it can't be b/c he's in mexico right

"What can I get you mam"

"Ummm can I have 2 blue cotton candy and a pink one plz"

"Yes that would be 3 dollars"

I handed him the money and he handed me the cotton candy

"Have a nice day"

"Likewise bye" I waved and smiled

You know that feeling when you feel someone is staring at you or looking at well that's what I'm feeling right now

I turned around but i didn't see anything just families and children doing there everyday things so i just tried ignoring the feeling

"my cotton candy i want it pwetty plizz can i eat it" kitty comes running to me

"Yes you can"

"Where's mine" eddy asked

"I think I ate it sorry" I shrugged

"Can i have some of yours kitty"

"Nooo" she pouted

"Geez I feel the love"

I laughed "jk here I want the blue one so you can have the pink one"

"I like strawberry so thanks" he stuck his tongue out

"Your so childish"

"Oh and your not"

I flipped him off

"Its tweak"


"Yeah stfu" I heard kitty say

"Kitty don't say that that's mean"

"But why you say it to eddy"

"B/c eddy likes it but don't say it alright"

"Ok" she ate a piece of her cotton candy "can we go to that one pwetty pliz"

"Yes let's go"

"I'm sorry to ruin the moment my lobes but I gotta go" eddy told us

"No eddy pliz me no want you to go yet pwetty pliz" kitty whined

"Sorry princess but your boy has to leave"

"Awww ok me miss you" kitty hugged him

"Aww my princess is gonna miss me"

"Don't flatter your self Eddy" I smiled "she's probably not even going to remember that you were here" I smirked

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