love at first sight - S.R

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Imagine for @joelpimentelfangirl

I was getting ready since I'm going to La Banda with my friend

"Are you ready Lilia"

"Yes" I said as I grabbed my purse "let's go"

*at La Banda*

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom I'll be right back" I told my friend

"Ok not hurry up its almost gonna start"

"Of course" I said as I left

I was walking around looking for a sign the said where the restroom was

Oh god where the flappy birds is the restroom

I should of asked for directions

I kept thinking about what would have happened if I were to have had asked someone when I bumped into something or someone

"Woah princess are you ok" he asked

I looked up and woah he look good like oh-god-I-could-totally-kiss-you-right-now-even-if-your-a-stanger kind of way

"Yeah" I may have stuttered a little but isn't that somewhat normal when you talk to a hot stranger right

"Sorry about bumping into you my name is Sebastian Rivera but you can call me Sebas"

"Hello Sebas my name's Lilia"

"Could I call you Lily"

"Of course" I smile

"Well I got to go bye" he gave me a kiss on the cheek and left

Oh my cheese-itz he just kissed me


Oh right I need to go pee

Bathroom Bathroom where can it be oh there it is

I did my business and then went to go look for my friend so we could watch the guys sing

It was Sebastian's turn and woah he sings nice

I stayed till it ended and I saw him standing talking to the other guys that were in the show I was deciding whether or not to go talk to him when someone tapped my shoulder

I turned around and saw Sebas

"Hello Sebas"

"Hey Lily I was wondering if you wanted to hang out"

"I would love too"

So we went to go watch a movie

(5 months later )

Me and Sebas became really good friends and today he decided we should hang out he just didn't tell me were because 'its a surprise and I know you'd love it' his words not mine

So here I am waiting for him to come pick me up

I decided to wear a floral dress and a little bit of makeup

"Lily, Sebas is here"


"Have fun sweety"

"I will bye mom" I kissed her on the cheek and left

"You look beautiful" Sebas complimented me

"Why thank you" I blushed

"Let's go" he opened the door for me

"Why thank you"

We arrived at a beach

"I thought we'd go to the beach and then later go eat sounds good"

"Yeah" I agreed

"Want some ice cream"


"2 chocolate ice creams please" he asked the ice cream man

"Of course" he replied

"I was wondering well" he kept on stopping so it must be really important bright


"Well since remember the day we bumped into each other well I thought you were really pretty and I don't want to be friends anymore don't get me wrong I'm glad were friends but well I just hoped it could be something more you know so I was wondering if well you'd like to be my girlfriend" he scratched his neck

"Of course I would"

agjska my first Sebas imagine ahhhhh thank you Lilia for requesting this and I sure do hope you like it

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