hey dj -J.P

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"Are you sure you want me to go I don't want to be a bother" I replied

"You're not going to be a bother darling"he reassured me

"Well ok"

I'm going with the guys so they can film their hey dj music video

I didn't really want to go A)just didn't feel like going and B) because he was going to be surrounded by girls

I'm not the jealous type but come on who wouldn't get just a tad jealous when they see their boyfriends with a group of maybe thousands of girls (fans are an exeption thoe)

He reassured me that there was going to be a few girls

"So like in the reggaeton lento one" I asked

"No and yeah"

I'm not going to be like those girlfriends who won't let their boyfriends do anything they want much less if it's part of his career and his dream

So now I'm stuck here watching how these girls are surrounding my boys

"You seem to be having fun"Richard teased

"Oh yeah totally" I replied sarcastically "I mean I like watching as these girls eye rape you guys especially my boyfriend" I only said that because someone actually seem to be eye raping poor Erick

"You're a really jealous friend and girlfriend"

"Not that jealous ok maybe a little but come on who wouldn't Richard"

"Oh idk some fans" he shrugged

"Dude that's the funniest joke I've ever heard they'll be more jealous than me"

"Quien"a Cuban voice asked

"Las fans"

"What about them" Chris asked

"Only some"Richard stated

"Ohh plz they'll practically be planning a funeral and be ganging up to murder them" I stated as a matter of fact

"ban a estar muy selosas"

"Yup" I popped the p "maybe you'll guys be next"I shrugged

Chris chuckled and hugged me

"You're a really crazy girl"

"I'm a fangirl I know what I'm talking about dummy"

"Yo si le creo asi paso con el reggaeton lento video"

"Thank you" I kissed Erick on the cheek "what makes you think they won't do the same"

"Fangirls"they all say in unison well except Joel

"We got to record the next scene te vemos luego"

They all hugged me and kissed me on the cheek or the forehead besides Joel

He was talking to one of those girls from the video

We made eye contact and he waved at me which I returned with a smile

Oh Jesus that was the girl that kissed him a few hrs ago

On the cheek thoe because if it was on the mouth I would have gone hulk mode on her

I've been here for hrs well like maybe 4 or something

When that scene ended Joel literally ran up to me and kissed me he reassured me that there kiss was part of the scene and it meant nothing to him

I'm a little pissed at the fact he talked to her instead of me his girlfriend but he probably had a reason

They started recording the last scene and oh jheez the fans are totally going to flip

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