Bromance -C.V

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"Come on we have to get going now" my brother yelled from the living room

"Hold up. I just need to put on my heels."

"Put on sandals its better"

"Ok fine"

"Damn what takes you women so long"

"Shut up you took longer in the shower so I guess it's your fault"

"Shut up and lock the door." He tossed the keys to me which i caught with one hand. Thank you very much.

"So where are we going"

"To a party"

Well no duh but why"

"Well my friend yeah i have no clue. Maybe it's his birthday"

"Maybe" i raised and eyebrow

"Jk its my friends birthday"

"Ok but why am I going"

"Because he said to invite everyone I know because he wants it to be the party of the year"

"You know Chris is stupid stupid"

"So are you maybe that why you guys get along so well" he smiled

"Hardy har har. Funny" I replied sarcastically

"So what did you get him"

"Nothing what more does he want he already has me"

"Yeah you're gay"

"Your just jealous. All the guys love me"

"Oh yes I'm so jealous!! I envy you all I have are my girls . I mean who would want girls right! "

"Get out"

As you can tell me and my brother get along just well

Before we even got off the car Chris came running out of the house. Literally

"Bro you love me right" he zoomed right past me and went to my brother

"Of course my dude"

"Okay then protect me" he grabbed my brother and used him as a shield

"You fucken Idiot why would you do that. What kind of person thinks that I'll catch a cake"

I laughed and I felt bad but I just couldn't

My friend ,Veronica, came out with cake all over her body.

"Stop laughing it isn't funny" she whined

"I'm sorry but what happened"

"Chris thought that I would catch the cake if he threw it at me"

"Christopher why would you do that"

"I don't know. Nah lo hice para instagram"

"Bro let me see the video"

Chris took out his phone and showed it to my brother"

"No way man that's sick"

"No it isn't" Veronica stomped her foot

Sometimes my friend could be such a child maybe that's why her and Chris are such a great couple

"Come on V let's get you changed"

"Sometimes I regret saying yes to him"

"I heard that" he yelled

"I know" she yelled back

"Hey bro if she breaks up with you I'm all yours" my brother winked. He fucken winked after saying that

Sometimes I think there bromance is just too much

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