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"Hey princess" Joel walks towards me right after school

"Hey" I hugged him

"Want to go get something to eat" he suggested

"Yeah I'm starving"

He opened the door for me. What a gentleman. Who said chivalry was dead. He drove and we ended up at In-N-Out.

Hey we just came for a quick meal. We ate and then went for a walk at the park.

Before we knew it it was already 7 so he decided to take me home.

"Hey princess do you still have those nightmares" he asked me with concern

"Honestly not really they come and go sometimes"

"Ok well since I'm such a gentleman I'm going to stay here"

"We'll be my guest" I smiled " just don't snore" I tease

"Ughh I do not snore rose"

"Yeah yeah whatever you say"

"I honestly don't"

"I know I was just playing" I giggled

"Come on lets sleep"

"You know Joel I'm lucky to have you as my boyfriend"

"I'm lucky to have you princess" he kissed me "go to sleep I'll sing you a song"


As he started singing my eyes were slowly closing and before I knew I saw blackness


"Well well well if it isn't little Rose"

"What do you want" I stuttered

"Oh nothing Rose" he smiled but it wasn't a friendly one at all

His other friend grabbed my backpack and tossed it on the mud.

"Hey look at that necklace" he told his friend

"My my where did you get that necklace at Rose"

That necklace was given to me for my 7th birthday and it was my moms

"Did daddy give it to you or was it that freak of a friend that you have"

"My friend isn't a freak" I mumbled

"Oh but wait Ryan she doesn't have any friends because nobody likes freaks like you"

"I do have friends and there cool and nice"

"You do oh let me guess is it those imaginary ones"

"No they're real"

"Oh sure they are. Ryan she thinks she has friends "

"Well thanks for the necklace Rose" he yanked it off my neck and tossed it to Ryan who caught it and then pushed me on the floor with my backpack

                                                      End of dream

"Princess wake up" I heard and then I was lightly being shaken

I opened my eyes and then saw Joel

"Oh Joel" I hugged him

"It's ok bebe it was just a bad dream"

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