dares -Z.D.J

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I was walking to my pe class which happened to be sex week you know where you learn how to be safe etc.

Oh look the teacher

"good morning class so today we have a new student well not necessarily new but he is going to be in this class from now on "

I turned around assuming the kid was there since the teacher was starring at the door and woah I saw Zabdiel

Zabdiel is one of my best friends and was my boyfriend 4yrs ago
Yeah was we broke up b/c it didn't work I guess it was only for 1 yr but still we decided to be friends

He saw me and gave me one of those nice warm smiles that always make my day and decided to sit next to me

"Hey sunshine"

I gave him a warm smile

"hey Zabdi"

"attention class" we all turned to face her "alright so today we are going to learn how to put a condom on"

"I already know how" Zabdiel winked and I just giggled

"Is there something funny y/l/n "

"er no nothing Mrs."

I gave Zabdiel a quick glare and he responded with smirk I rolled my eyes at his action

"anyway you can and I repeat can't use a condom twice"the teacher kept talking

"how about we do something fun"Zabdiel asked me

"alright let see like what "

"let's play hang man"

"no how about I spy"

"oh yeah that's better oh wait no truth or dare"

"oh hell yeah I'm up for a dare"I sayed with a smirk

"Alright truth or dare"


"alright I dare you to ask her for 10 condoms"

"fine your turn truth or dare"


"ok I dare you to kiss Lily"

I know how much he hates her well not hate but he doesn't really like her b/c Lily thinks she's all this and that and we all hate that about her but she is actually a very good friend

"fine but only if you do my-"

He stopped talking b/c I guess she said something interesting

"so we decided that we would give each of you 2 condoms"

"the more the merrier isn't that right"

I laughed "totally"

"here you go" the teacher gave me 2 condoms but before she could have given Zabdiel his I asked for 10

"can I get umm 10 plz" I hesitated

"10" she asked surprised

"um yeah"

"Are you-"I interrupted her

"ohh no Mrs. they are actually not for me but for my friend here"i pointed at Zabdiel

"oh well then her you go"

"thank you mam" and I smirked b/c I know Zabdiel is glaring at me

"what" I asked innocently and he just mimicked me

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