So Call It A Date ~J.P

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"But honestly I think he's cute"

"Kara what about Joel" my best friend asked

"Joel is hot I said this guy was cute. I mean big difference duh"

"God you and Joel should tots get together already"

"He doesn't like me like that and I don't either"

Totally not a lie on the latter

"Right I mean you aren't staring at your phone waiting for a text from him"

"What no" I said as I turned off my phone " I was just checking the time"

"Whatever you say"

I heard my phone ding and looked at it

"Mena Joel told me that his friends are having a party and if we wanted to go"

See tots not waiting for his text not one bit at all I thought to myself

"Party and Joel's extremely hot friends. Where do I sign up"

I giggled

"You know me a sometime I wonder why I'm friends with you"

"Maybe because I'm the only one that keeps your lazy ass in check and always makes hour day better"

"Cocky aren't we Mena"

"Just saying the truth anyway so let's get ready for the party"

"Mena the party isn't until tomorrow"

"Aww dang way to ruin the day Kara"

"I'm sorry to break your heart" I patted her head

"Fuck off"

"Look we should be heading to school like know Mena"

"Alright alright" she said as we got up and left the cafe

"Ok so who else is invited"

"I don't know Mena"

"Ohh ask Joel"

"Alright now get to class your going to be late"

"Yes mom"


I laughed a little as I walked to class

"Mena get over here" I heard someone say on the left of me

"Hey Joel and guys"

"Mena you coming to the party aren't you" Richard asked

"Umm hell yeah not gonna miss it for the world"

"Ok so ima see your friend in a bikini right" He winked

"Richard" I said with my eyes wide open

"The parties at the beach"

"I figured"

7 hrs later

"Ok I'll meet you at the party bye Joel"


Me and Mena headed to her house to get ready.

"This top would tots look good on you"

"You think so"

"Oh I know so and Joel will not stop staring at you" she added with a wink

"Mena" I look at her "let's hurry up the guys are probably waiting for us"

"Honey have you ever heard fashionably late"

"Mena just hurry up I'll be waiting at my car I'll leave with or without you"

"You wouldn't"

"You never know"

15 min later and she finally comes down

"You're still here"

"Yes now get in Mena"

Through out the whole ride she was talking about how Erick ignored her today and me being the nice friend said he's a jerk

"Mena were here"

"Kara look Joel's starring at you" she nudges my elbow

I ignored her and walked towards Joel


"Wow Kara you look amazing"

"You don't look so bad yourself"

"I tried" he chuckles as I giggled


"But I'm your idiot" he winks

"Yes and the favorite one as well" I winked

I turned around and we were no where near the party. I guess we got really distracted since we walked away from the party

"Joel we should head back to the party"

"Wait Kara I've been wanting to tell you that I think your beyond beautiful and well you see I wanted to ask you if well you'd like to be my girlfriend" he scratched the back of his neck

Omggggg he asked me to be his girlfriend

"I- I'd love too"

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