Ice Cream- C.V

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I have been recently texting an old friend. I talk to him every now and then but not everyday and I'm actually glad that we got in contact recently.

Chris 🥴
Hey go outside!!


Chris 🥴
I'm outside I brought you ice-cream. You seemed a little tired at school. So here is my attempt on cheering you up.

Dude your fucken lying, let me see (Rosa voice 😂)

Chris 🥴
Well come outside and see

My fat ass got out of bed really quickly that I stood there for a while thinking I was going to fall. Once I was good I walked to the window and there he was with 2 ice cream bowls..

I opened the door and let him in.

"So tell me what's wrong" he asked once he took a seat

"Nothing just stressed over the essay we were given and you know me I am a procrastinator."

"Yeah you're right." He looked at me then smiled "so what about that boyfriend of yours."

"Hardy har har." I glared at him

"You guys have a complicated relationship."

I slapped him right in the back of his head. "glad my boyfriend and toxic like you're girlfriend"

We looked at each other then laughed.

"You know being single has some benefits but I really want some one to spend time with you know."

"Yeah." He nods "I want someone who I can joke around with about anything and we'll get it." He smiles "like you."

"Same buddy same." I grabbed his ice cream and took a spoonful.

"Someone who I can share my food with." He took his ice cream back. "Someone who I can cheer up when there down."

It hit me. Was he talking about me.

"How so."

"Just like this."

He is talking about me right. I'm not making things up. Or maybe I am. Maybe I'm misinterpreting it.

"That's sweet. You would be a great boyfriend. I mean come on your a great guy best friend. The greatest out there."

"Right. I'd be a great catch."

"You would" I laughed "come on let's go watch a movie"

"I choose this time." He said "and I want to watch the Lion King

"But you know I cry when Simba cries."

"I know." He smiles "you can always cuddle with me"


He puts the Lion King and I got closer to him.

"This is great. It's like old times." I said

"Yeah it sure is"

So here we are now. Me bailing my eyes off because Simba's crying and you know I'm a sensitive and a big ol' crybaby.

"Yah," He laughs

"This isn't funny Chris" I mumbled

"You're such a crybaby."

"Disney movies make me cry alright."

"There there" he hugs me "wanna know a secret."


"You know how we were talking about being in a relationship and stuff like that."


"Well you do know I was talking about you right."

I look up at him. "Well I mean kind of. A little"

"Well my lovely girlfriend, come give me a cuddle."

"Oh I'm your girlfriend now."

"Ahh you're right I need to ask first."

"You're the only girl worth melting for... would you like to be my girlfriend."

I had a big ol' chesser plastered on my face.



How you all doing. Hope you all are safe during these days. Here's a little something. Hope you enjoy it!!

Wattpad is acting up so when I post not everything does so this is pretty short. Stay safe. Hearts all around !!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2020 ⏰

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