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Yoyo:ohh come on
Y/n:I said no
Yoyo:but why
Y/n:b/c your going to be with your friends
Yoyo:come on baby do it for me
Y/n:ummm fine
Yoyo:I love you
Y/n:where exactly are we going
Yoyo:the fair
Y/n:you could have said that at first idiot
Yoyo:jheeze sorry
Y/n:I know 😂 are they going to bring sus "novias"
Yoyo:well yeah


Joel:princess *he runs towards me*
Y/n:potato *I hug him*

Joel here is my best friend I meet him first although Yoyo thinks it was him I have proof I meet him first I have a picture of him when we were really little but Cabrera thinks it's photoshoped idiot I really have a stupid boyfriend 😂
Oh 🐳

Joel:ok we have to go to the fair but like now
Jae:what's the hurry big guy 💀
Joel:oh shut up
Erick:pues vamos

We went on some rides and played around like little kids :) a little while later some girls joined us I remember lesly she's Cabrera's sister and Joel's girlfriend and one of my friends oh and that one other girl I think her name is Emily I just don't remember

Jaime:this is Anna my friend
Erick:y esta Emily

Bulls eye I got it right 😂

Yoyo:I'm hungry
Y/n:when aren't you
Yoyo:when were in bed 😉
Yoyo:that's not what you said last night
Joel:I know you guys like each other and all but can the dirty talk wait
Yoyo:y si no 😏
Y/n:stop Yoandri

We went to go eat well first we were walking everywhere and decided to get some hamburgers

Yoyo:I love you
Y/n:jerk !
Yoyo:I feel the love baby
Y/n:you do?
Yoyo:come on lets go eat

We ordered our hamburgers Joel como tragon que es got a a big hamburger so did Yoyo the rest got the normal ones

Y/n:that's really big
Joel:I'm hungry ok
Yoyo:wanna know what else is big
Y/n:let me guess that hamburger :)
Yoyo:besides that *he asked with a smirk* my dick
Y/n:Yoandri !!
Joel:I thought it was the size of a bean
Yoyo:it's not ask y/n
Y/n:don't even dare
Erick:se pasan 😂
Jae:aww y/n's mad
Y/n:shut up let me eat
Emily:ya dejenla
Y/n:thank you
Lesly:damn I should of recorded that
Yoyo:take two

After that little disgusting / weird conversation we ate when we finished eating we went to Jae's house the weird thing was that once we entered the back yard Jaime ran somewhere and brought a bucket full of water balloons in guessing they were already filled before we got here and guess what we started a water balloon fight shit that was fun

Joel:damn I'm wet
Yoyo:I'm wet too but more 😏
Y/n:does everything you say have to be so dirty 😩
Y/n:ayy Cabrera

He took off his shirt, I still don't get the fact that guys could take off their shirts and walk shirtless and then there's us we can't do that b/c we get called hoes and shit it's annoying but what can I do about it, Yoyo has a nice body and I'm not just saying it b/c I'm his girlfriend he looks hot I can stare at him all day if I want and look at his v-

My thoughts were interrupted :(

Yoyo:take a picture it will last longer
Yoyo:oh but you love me
Yoyo:that's not what you said last night 😏
Joel:why does he keep an saying that did you guys he fun
Y/n:no we didn't
Yoyo:we had more than just fun 😏
Y/n:jerk ass
Yoyo:ily2 baby
Y/n:omg really high 5 we both love me *wipes fake tear*
Yoyo:oh eso te va costar
Y/n:what happened baby 😂
Yoyo:like if I care I have Joel
Y/n:quedate lo ;)
Joel:nahhhh I love you Yoyo pero tampoco voy hacer tu "boyfriend"
Y/n:see that's why I love you Pimentel
Joel:i know plus I ain't single I got my Lesly
Yoyo:so she doesn't have to find out
Lesly:oh but I did
Y/n:ok guys ya
Yoyo:say you love me
Y/n:ummmm what
Yoyo:y/n plzzz
Y/n:ummm idk
Y/n:umm ok I love you
Yoyo:I love me too
Y/n:what a jerk
Yoyo:but I'm your jerk
Y/n:I know

I hug him

Yoyo:I love you
Y/n:love you too

He hugged back and kissed my forehead

«I know 10 urs later -.- well here's another one I hope you guys like it :) MERRY CHRISTMAS (I wanted CNCO to be under my Christmas tree 😩 Oh well we still have next year right ;) 😂) »

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