Finally My Ship Is Sailing -R.C

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Imagine for eviebelle2004

"Oh Evie look your boyfriend" my best friend , Erick, told me

"He's not my boyfriend" I mumble

"He doesn't get the memo" he chuckled

"Haha" I replied sarcastically

"Hello princess" someone put their arm on my shoulder


"Do you need help in anything"

"Yeah let's see do you wanna go on a date"

"Oh sorry I can't I'm busy right Erick" I slightly elbowed him on the stomach

"Uffff" I stared at him "I mean yeah "

"Doing what" he questioned

"None of your business" I replied as I walked away

Erick stayed talking to him since their friends too

The bell rang


I went to class

"Hey there beautiful"

"Richard I'm busy"

"I know so I'm offering to help" he grabs my book off my hand

"What a gentle men caring my book you must be really strong"

"I know I know" he chuckles "I'm the hulk" I laugh

"So are you and Erick -"

"Oh no" I interrupted him "he's my best friend"

He mumbled something along the lines of 'oh thank god'

"Why don't you wanna go on a date with me"

"It's well ughhh can we go to class"

Its not that I didn't want to answer the question because I lowkey do wanna go but at the same time I'm not sure I !mean does that even make sense

"Yeah let's go" he mumbled

He ignored me thought the whole day well more like up to lunch but it feel like the whole day alright

I would say I'm actually happy he finally stopped bothering but I'm not I miss him afgfaga

I'm so used to his presence that whenever he's not here I get sad

"Oh god what happened know Evie" a voice behind me asked


"Your sad no your depressed why"

"I am not"

"I am not" he mimicked me

"I do not sound like that Colon" I smacked his shoulder

"There's that smile I wanted too see now Evie be a good girl and tell me what happened and I know its not because Richard isn't here because I literally just saw him last period"

"What are you talking about"

"Oh you think I haven't noticed that when my boy Richard isn't here your always sad but then the next day your all so happy like if you won the lottery or something"

You see what I mean ughh why is Richard so important in my life

He gasped

"You like him"

I spit out my juice "I do not"

"Denial Denial" he shook his finger "You like him"

"Maybe a little" I mumbled

"What I didn't here you"

"Ok maybe a little"

"I knew my ship is sailing"


"What you think only girls could have ships you are so wrong m'lady"

"Oh god" I smack my forehead "this friend of mine"

"You love me"

"Whatever floats your boat"

"You and Richard help my ship sail"

"Evie and Richard sitting in a tree k-"

"Oh god Erick I swear one day I'm gonna smack you so hard your going to get a concussion" I interrupted him

He glared at me

>>>>>>The next day<<<<<<

"Hey fea" Erick greeted me

"Have you seen yourself"

"Yes I have I look sexy" he winked at a girl

"Whatever floats your boat" and I pointed a finger at him "you better not say anything about that ship of yours

He mumbled and all I heard was 'ship sailing today'

Whatever that means

So here I am being that good girl going to class

Nah what a liar Evie ha

I'm 5 minutes late but I consider that early I mean other kids come 15 minutes before class ends ughh irresponsible kids smh

Well I have a good excuse turns out ,well according to erick, my pe class is in the library so I was going to make sure but before I even made it to the lockers erick grabbed my wrist

'you don't believe me that hurts right here en el cora' erick said feign hurt

'I do I was just making sure'

Stupid erick making me feel guilty

So that's why I'm currently walking to the library

I'm taking my time I mean I'm late there's really nothing I can do about it

I opened the door and woahhhhhhhh


Richard has a bouquet of flowers with a poster saying

'Would you do me ,your personal hulk, the honors of being my girlfriend'

I laugh my personal hulk ha hilarious

Oh he's waiting for an answer

"Of course" I response with a smile

"Finally that means I can take you to a date"

"All this for a date wow I feel the love"

"Well for the date and you" he winks

Oh Richard

"I told you my sail was sailing ha " erick yells

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