Truth or Dare -J.P

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"Hey Step truth or dare" my best friend told me

"seriously" I groan

"oh come on Stephanie don't be such a party pooper"

"Ok fine ummm I choose dare"

"Thats my girl" Joel said

"ok lets see" my friend thought "Oh I've got it I dare you to do a front flip in the pool"

"but its cold"

"Steph come on"

"fine fine"

I stood at the edge of the pool and did a front flip

"That was incredible" they all cheered

"thank you"

"hey Joel truth or dare" Chris asked

"hey I'm suppose to ask" I frowned

"who cares"

"ok fine" I mumbled


"Dare" he smirked

"I dare you too kiss Stephanie" chris smirked

Stupid lucky Stephanie... She gets a kiss from my Joel.

Well he really isn't mine but I've had a crush on him for a while and ...

Omg... I'm Stephanie ...

I felt some soft lips next to mine so I did what any other girl would do

No I didn't scream... I kissed him back

"wow" he whispered

I smiled and blushed as well

He sat next to me

"wanna know something" he whispered in my ear which sent chills down my back


"your cute" he winked

I blushed even harder. Thank god its not that bright hee or else he'd see my red face

"ok guys stop flirting and lets get back to the game" My best friend smirked after

After a few rounds it landed back on Joel which made me remember about our kiss


"I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl you find"

And then they ask why I hate this game... So much kissing

Oh you just don't like it now because Joel is the ones who's gonna kiss someone

So what if its true. I mean I know im not the prettiest. To me I'm decent. So I doubt he's gonna kiss me.

He got up and looked all around the room until his eye landed on me.

Is he really gonna kiss me.

He walks towards me, and leans in.

God his kiss is so magical. I feel like there's a whole zoo in my tummy.

"you're an amazing kisser" he winked

And Im in love

Imagine for @reader2356-12

I really hope you like it :) I enjoyed writing it

Sorry I know its a little late but it's done

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