13. Disorder

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Jae had told his mum, that he will work on the theatre play with Doyoung till late in the evening and she gave him time until 10 p.m. It was Saturday, so no school and Jae felt he's going crazy, because he wasn't able to see Taeyong.

He spent the morning and early afternoon doing homework, and watching TV, till Doyoung came to pick him up, and he was extremely happy to see his friend, and leave the house. He grabbed his hoodie and backpack, then ran out. Doyoung was a little tense, he hated illegal things, but despite his complaints, they reached the bus stop and took the bus downtown.

"It's the business area of the city with all the skyscrapers," said Doyoung when they were sitting in the crowded bus and hoping it will get through the traffic quickly. An hour later Jae found the street sign and his nervousness raised, especially, when they stopped in front of a penthouse with a golden glass door.

"I guess the record company pays for it," whispered Doyoung.

He was the first to enter the building and the boys felt very awkward, when they stopped at the front desk, where a security guard was sitting.

"We're here to visit Taeyong, we are his school friends," said Doyoung and the man blinked a few times.

"Did you have an appointment?" he asked.

"Yes," Jae got anxious.

He reminded himself to ask Taeyong for his phone number.

"Your names?" asked the man opening the computer.

"Jung Jaehyun," Jae said his whole name hoping it will help somehow.

"Oh," the man made a strange face. "It's you, 'the friend who can visit anytime'," he laughed reading the description. "Floor 45, apartment 6," said the man pointing to the lift.

Doyoung was hiding a chuckle but Jea pushed him to the huge elevators and they took one up.

"Friend who can visit anytime, that's hilarious," Doyoung laughed while Jae's ears became red.

Soon the elevator stopped and Jae slowed down, whlie Doyoung moved around the corridors, till he found the wooden door to apartment 6, and knocked.

The lock was opened and Taeyong glanced outside, his hair was messy, and he was wearing a worn out sweater to pajama pants.

"Is Jae with you?" he asked Doyoung and smiled noticing Jae. "Great, come in, I was cleaning so don't worry about the mess," Taeyong opened the door and Doyoung walked inside followed by a shy Jae.

They left the shoes in the hall and Jae noticed, that all things here were ordered in colors, including jackets.

"Welcome in my kingdom," Taeyong walked into the living room so the boys followed, and Jae opened his mouth wide seeing a huge place filled with modern white furniture, but the most impressive was the city view from the glass walls.

"Wow," Doyoung walked around.

"It's my dorm, the record company pays for it, so don't be too impressed. Maybe after two more albums I'll be able to afford it," Taeyong glanced around and Jae noticed the order in the room. Everything was cleaned to perfection and had it's own place. The little figures and pencils on the book shelfs were placed in straight lines.

"Can I wash my hands?" asked Jae.

"Sure here's one bathroom," Taeyong hurried to a corridor and opened a door. "Oh it's so messy, just close your eyes. You should have called," he looked at Jae who stopped between him and the door.

"I don't have youf numbef," he whispered.

"Oh, sure, stupid me," Taeyong laughed. "Give me your phone," he said and Jae felt his hands are sweaty, when he did it.

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