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Jae has never been able to pronounce the letter 'R'. He drew clouds in the back of the math notebook when he was waiting for the additional class with the speech therapist. The Art School hasn't given up on him yet. They said he could sing, it was just this "little" BiG problem to overcome, so twice a week he stayed at school when everyone left, and fought endless battles with his tongue. 'F', the 'F' sound, was the only one, that came out whenever he tried to form a nice 'R', and so his nickname became Jaef, and everyone laughed when he started to speak.

Doyoung was his only friend, the only one who ignored his weakness, but he had vocal class at the same time, when Jae met the speech therapist, so the boy needed to spend the waiting time alone with this drawings of clouds and his favourite songs on replay. He was a little obsessed with this rapper TY.

The guy was nearly his age and had debuted a year ago becoming a sensation in the country. His fangirls went crazy, his songs topped the charts one by one, and somehow Jae became one of the few fanboys, who hopelessly listened to this low voice before he fell asleep. He even considered buying tickets for a show, but he would look strange between all the screaming girls, and if someone would happen to know someone from the Art School, and see him there, Jae couldn't imagine the consequences.

So it stayed like this, and soon the speech therapist ran into the room a little late, and a little unprepared - as always, and Jae stopped the music closing the notebook. Back to reality, because reality was here and now, where he still said "How a-f-e you?" to greet his teacher.

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