14. Above the city

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"Hi Jae, sorry that I've been a little cold till now, I don't like to show affection in front of people," Taeyong walked to the couch sitting down very close to Jae.

"Ok," muttered the boy.

He wasn't sure what to do, the last time they were in a dark room all alone Taeyong had kissed him.

"You're very quiet today," Taeyong moved closer and his hand landed on Jae's hand.

"I'm scafed," whispered Jae.

"Are you scared of me?" Taeyong looked at him and Jae nodded.

"What can I do to you little Jae?" Taeyong seemed sad.

And Jae felt stupid.

"I don't know," his cheeks burned. "I made something. I'll show you," Jae grabbed his phone and earphones, put one in his ear, and the second one in Taeyong's.

He was excited, when he found his recording.

"I made it last night," Jae took a breath pressing play.

The melody filled the earphones and soon his voice came.

But all my sins whitened

the soundless night, began to sing

Because you

healed me

fixed me

believed in me'

The chorus was repeated two times and Jae felt he did a solid job.

"And what do you think?" he glanced at Taeyong when the record stopped.

The boy smiled, he looked at Jae for a longer while till his ears began to burn again.

"This it how it sounded in my imagination," whispered Taeyong and Jae felt his stomach twisting.

"I've noticed thefe's not a single wofd with an 'f'," said Jae getting excited again.

"I know," Taeyong moved closer and Jae breathed in forgetting all his thoughts.

A moment leter this burning lips landed on his causing him to explode again. It was a short and gentle peck, but Jae's head felt all weird. He got very red and glanced at his knees.

"I should go," Jae took a breath.

"I won't kiss you again, if you don't want to. We can just sit and talk," said Taeyong and Jae felt something burning in him.

"Ok," he whispered glancing at the boy and feeling he wants to be closer again.

"Can you send me this record I love it?" asked Taeyong and Jae felt it must take a lot of practice to go from kissing to such a casual conversation, but Taeyong had no problems with it.

"Sufe," Jae was glad he can focus on his phone, when he was sending the file to Taeyong.

He looked for the new number, but couldn't find it anywhere. He searched - 'Taeyong', 'TY' and his surname, but nothing came out, so he checked the whole list from the beginning, till he found a contact saved as 'Mine'. Jae smiled to himself and his stomach became warm, he glanced at Taeyong, who seemed amused.

"I'm waiting for the file," Taeyong leand his head on Jae's shoulder and the boy found it hard to breath, while he was sending the file to 'Mine'.

Moments later Taeyong's phone on the glass table vibrated and both laughed looking at each other, and Jae felt he is so happy again, that he leaned in kissing Taeyong's cheek causing the boy to smile.

They cuddled closer and Jae felt so right.

Great time flies so fast that Jae was shocked, when the clock on the wall showed 9 p.m. He felt pain forming inside him, so he squeezed Taeyong's arm tighter.

"We need to go. We will take a taxi, but we still need  at least half an hour to get there, and we don't want to meet your mom at the front door," Taeyong caressed his knee. "Little Jae," Taeyong glanced at him and kissed his forehead.

"I don't want to go," Jae moved even closer.

It was his favorite position, with his head on Taeyong's shoulder, while he hugged his arm.

"I know, but we can meet tomorrow, maybe at Taeil's house or somewhere, I will find a place," Taeyong smiled.

"Ok," Jae was sad, when he got up from the couch and it was so hard for him to let go, but Taeyong needed to change, to not to go into the city in his pajama pants.

Soon he returned from his bedroom wearing all black and Jae felt he misses the casual Taeyong who accepts other colors.

Jae walked to the hall and put his shoes on, while Taeyong straightened all the pillows on the white couch, before he joined Jae. They left the flat and Taeyong grabbed his hand, while they walked to the elevator causing Jae to feel embarrassed and great.

They cuddled in the silver lift, but let go, when it opened as they didn't need any strange reactions from the security guard.

"The taxi is here Mr. Lee," said the man and Taeyong bowed down, while Jae nodded.

Both ran to the cab in front of the building and jumped in.

On the backseat Jae returned to his favorite position with his nose cuddled into Taeyong's clothes.

The boy was smiling to himself and Jae knew it was a great time.

Soon the cab stopped next to Doyoung's house and Taeyong squeezed Jae's thigh playfully.

"Goodnight little Jae," he muttered turning to him.

"Goodnight," Jae felt he's not ready to say 'bye', but he let go and looked at the boy. He wanted to hug him, but the driver was looking at them, so he nodded and jumped out of he taxi.

He stopped on the pavement and waved, while Taeyong opened the window and waved back, but soon the cab disappeared into the night leaving Jae totally alone, sad and cold.

His mom had found him over books with Doyoung, so she was less unpleasant and Jae felt he might get one more "Doyoung visit" on Sunday. He did, but 10 p.m. was the borderline again and so Jae spent the night rolling in bed and texting Taeyong, offering him his body and virginity, and a few other things. He felt a little stupid, because it was the worst phone-flirt ever, but Taeyong was so cool that he never said a bad thing about it. He knew Jae too well after this short time. It was always around midnight, when Jae got all this creepy naughty thoughts and Doyoung called it the bad influence of darkness on Jae's brainwork.

The next morning Jae waited for the message from Taeyong and got a text around midday.

'Evening at Yuta's, don't take your friends.'

So Jae tensed, he hoped for some nice time alone in Taeyong's spacious flat not for a party with Yuta, Lauren and the cool clique, but he wanted to see Taeyong so badly, that he agreed, and so Doyoung picked him up, and Jae took the bus alone to the villa part of the city.

So Jae tensed, he hoped for some nice time alone in Taeyong's spacious flat not for a party with Yuta, Lauren and the cool clique, but he wanted to see Taeyong so badly, that he agreed, and so Doyoung picked him up, and Jae took the bus alone to t...

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Thank you. All the feedback is so amazing. It makes me happy to see how much you like this. Also a big thank you for all the encouraging words :)

Do you like Jaeyong's time all alone? What do you think will happen at Yuta's party?

Much <3

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