44. T&D's newsroom

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"And?" Doyoung looked at him.

"Give him a moment," said Ten.

"Sicheng not like... sad ffiends," Sicheng shook his head and Ten hurried to cheer him up.

Taeyong fell on Taeil's bed and sighed.

"It took a while to get them to talk, but what a trainee wouldn't do for a company star, who could help him," Taeyong blinked to Jae. "So our lovely Mr. Qian had a past you could write a few books about. He was kicked out of four bands dropped out of two. His family really has no money so he needs the scholarship badly, but there are better news," Taeyong raised his brows and Jae felt excited. "He was nearly expelled from high school back there in China, because he had a little drug business going on over there."

"I knew it!" shouted Doyoung, but Taeyong stopped him.

"He was a trainee in Taiwan and had a very dark past back there, some love affairs with actresses and a known singer, someone told me he had a part time job in a strip club. He was also kicked out of his previous school because of a bullying incident which involved property damage and one boy ended up in hospital after a fight. So I guess that's evidence enough to threaten him. If the company finds out they'll double think before they debut him, and I know all the top producers and can assure he will never become anyone more than a trainee," Taeyong smiled proudly.

"But it's using the same methods he did," said Taeil and Jae tensed.

"Boy we want to rescue your skin and you're worried about that!" Taeyong jumped from the bed.

"I'll go and talk to him. If it won't work you can go ahead with whatever you've planned," Taeil spoke, while his hands became slightly warmer in Jae's.

"It won't work," said Doyoung.

"It will..." whispered Taeil.

"It won't work," repeated the redhead.

"I know!" Taeil shouted and Jae nearly sprang up from his side.

"So why waste time, when we can act now," said Taeyong and Taeil lowered his head defeated.

Taeyong and Doyoung decided to go to Kun and negotiate and Jae was left in Taeil's house with Ten and Sicheng, but soon Sicheng needed to go back to the dorm and Ten agreed to walk him.

"I'm so sorry Jae," whispered Taeil when they were left alone.

"No I'm soffy," Jae felt so guilty.

They moved down to the kitchen and helped Taeil's sister to prepare a small supper.

The last time Jae had seen Taeil so broken was years ago, when Taeil's father had lost his job in a prestigious taxi driver company and the family had no money for the rent, and no place to live, so Taeil's parents moved back to his grandma, but because the children were at school Jae's parents decided to take care of them, and Taeil lived in Jae's home for six months becoming the brother Jae has never had.

Back then everything seemed hopeless, but after half a year Taeil's father got a job and his mother found one a month later. They could move back and afford the house they lived in now and Jae was so proud of the family and his own parents who had helped.

Now the atmosphere was as down and Taeil hadn't touched the food while Jae chewed on his sandwich while glancing at his phone. Taeyong didn't text or call, it meant the meeting was still going and Jae wondered if his boyfriend and friend are successful.

Jae had called his mom and explained the whole situation, about Kun cheating and getting Taeil expelled, and she was so angry and worried she decided to call the other parents and the headmaster to solve the case, she also agreed that Jae can stay at Taeil's to help him.

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