80. The cutest trip mate

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The quick packing and trip preparations were difficult but way not as difficulty as explaining the plan to Sicheng, with hands and feet and the phone translator, till Kun was so fed up with them shouting Chinese words around the cafeteria that he came to their table and translated for them.

So on Saturday Jae and Sicheng were in the plane, the younger boy was so scared that he held Jae's hand tightly the whole flight.

"Hate fly," he muttered when they finally landed and walked to the luggage claim.

The were exams starting next week so they needed to be back at school on Monday and Jae was worried but Sicheng seemed as unbothered as always when he jumped in front of Jae to a taxi.

"Who will pay foof this?" asked Jae who got a bus plan from the tourist information.

"Money?" asked Sicheng. "Sicheng lot, lot of money," he smiled bright again making a huge circle with his hands.

As they were in China Sicheng took over the translator and guide part what gave Jae a headache because he understood as less after Sicheng's happy translation attempts.

Jae really doubted Lauren's plan will work but he remembered Yuta and Sicheng had a nearly magical way to communicate without problems.

The boys reached the hotel soon booking two rooms and Jae was glad the people in the house were speaking English.

They took a shower and changed, and Jae rested for twenty minutes till Sicheng knocked to his door and proposed to show him his school so Jae agreed, every time he became lonely he was thinking about Taeyong and was tempted to browse the internet for his new pictures, which would hurt him even more. After a year of being together he realized he doesn't have any photos with Taeyong apart from the official ones from their performances and video.

He realized more and more how less he knew about his love.

Sicheng was very happy and a little nervous when they took another taxi through the city to a huge school building and got in through the strict security check. The dance school was filled with practice rooms each showing a group of kids as flexible as Sicheng, and Jae was stunned when he watched all the practices visible through opened doors or rooms they passed.

Sicheng moved to his favorite teacher who practiced the Nutcracker dance from Tchaikovsky's ballet with a group of ten year olds.

"Sicheng!" he said turning to the boy and hurrying to them.

He shook Jae's hand when the boy muttered his name and was asked to sit on the floor next to two girls who giggled seeing him and started speaking something quietly, from which Jae only understood, 'Taeyong' and 'Track 12' and his stomach twisted.

Sicheng was talking to some boys eagerly while Jae watched the practice. At the end of the lesson the teacher asked Sicheng to dance, the boy happily removed his shoes and socks and walked to the middle of the floor waiting for the music.

Everyone seemed excited and Jae saw how Sicheng giggled in his adorable way and waited for the music to start then he improvised leaving everyone speechless, including Jae who had seen it so many times but was stunned again and again.

The afternoon went on quickly, soon he and Sicheng were in the boy's favorite restaurant eating a very expensive but delicious dinner.

Even with the lack of communication Jae had a great time and enjoyed the afternoon and early evening. They were in a taxi to the stadium right after nightfall when Jae checked the news on his phone and came across Taeyong's latest photos from a show and a photoshoot. His heart ached, he tried not to cry while he bit his lower lip hard to not to make any sobbing sounds.

The sight of Taeyong made him realize how much he missed him and how hurt he was due to the long silence.

"Jae not watch ugly Taeyong," said Sicheng glancing at his face and phone.

"I know," Jae washed the tears away with his sleeve still he kept glancing at his boyfriend's dark burning eyes that were making him intimidated from the screen.

Sicheng tapped his shoulder and Jae closed the app hiding his phone.

His friend was right, he should concentrate on here and now. Soon the stadium became visble and Jae swallowed. The taxi parked and Sicheng led him to the vip entrance where a man became their guard leading them to top places.

"We want to talk to Yuta afetf," said Jae hoping the man understood English, and Sicheng hurried with the Chinese translation.

The man nodded and asked them to sit, he disappeared then came back carrying drinks and snacks and Jae became frustrated.

He didn't need snacks or a top place from which he could observe Yuta he needed at least ten minutes alone with the guy.

The show started and Yuta came on stage with his wild hair and style, his moves became even better than the months ago when Jae had seen him and Sicheng jumped in his chair.

"Yuta-ge!" he said grabbing Jae's arm.

"Wouldn't say ge," muttered a frustrated Jae.

He wished the show would last shorter during the break in the middle when a young Chinese singer, a pretty girl with Lauren like long hair performed Jae was painfully remembered how he was standing next to the stage during the same show months ago, when Taeyong smelled the rose he had thrown at him.

He wished to kick the girl off the stage even if she didn't do anything wrongly while Sicheng muttered "Pretty," staring at her short skirt.

After another long hour of suffering the show was finally over and the man hurried to them, he wanted to led them out of the stadium but Jae started to shout at him demanding to see Yuta here and now, so the man let them stay in the empty stand and wait while he ran somewhere.

"What if he will call secufity?" Jae was trembling from anger when he tried to find the text from months ago to find Yuta's number and he dialed it.

But Sicheng was stretching his hands out happily and humming a kids song what drove Jae crazy.

"Hallo," he heard Yuta's tired voice in the phone.

"Hi, it's Jaehyun, I'm in the stadium with Sicheng we want to talk to you, stand A2," said a irritated Jae.

"Jaehyun?" Yuta seemed shocked. "What did you say? You're here with Sicheng!" Yuta's voice became desperate. "Don't move I'll be right there."

Hi, thank you for the support you give me :) You're amazing

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Hi, thank you for the support you give me :) You're amazing.

So what do you think about the chapter? How do you like Jaewin's trip so far. What do think will happen when Yuwin will meet again?

Much <3

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