24. Blankets, pine cones and flames

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Jae tried to make cookies with Doyoung for the camp fire, but nothing worked, till Taeyong came and helped them. He was also good in baking and Jae smiled wide, he won't starve next to him. So the afternoon was busy and when the sun set behind the forest everyone surrounded the pile of wood. Taeil and Mr. Moo lit up the fire, Mark brought cups and drinks, while Johnny and Yuta prepared the benches and blankets. Jae and Doyoung were running between the lawn and the kitchen, but an hour later everything was ready and everyone took place around the crackling flames.

Jae slipped under Taeyong's blanket grabbing his arm, causing the boy to smile. Miss Hillary was the only teacher, who decided to guard them and they were really thankful as she was always cool. Soon figures appeared on the road to the gate and Mark jumped up. He was the one, who begged Miss Hillary to allow the girls to come to the fire and she agreed, so soon they were in the light of the flames and Jae recognized the brunette, Mark was head over heals in love with, Lauren, and her friend.

"Meet Bianca," Mark was really proud, when he introduced the girl to everyone while she blushed hard.

Doyoung giggled saying something about puppy love to Ten, who started to laugh hysterically.

Taeil tensed, when Lauren approached Yuta and sat next to him. Jae knew it will be another long evening for Taeil. Lauren's friend ended up next to him, as Johnny was also sitting close so he overheard how she whispered to the boy.

"We were looking for him, walked the city up and down, even showed his photo, but no one had seen him."

Johnny's face became pale and Jae knew she was talking about Hansol, who was still nowhere to find, and if he won't magically appear tonight they will get a lot of trouble tomorrow morning.

Soon everyone talked and ate the cookies Jae had prepared with Taeyong and Doyoung, but as time moved on the conversations became quieter, and Taeil brought his guitar. He played a known camp fire song, while everyone chanted quietly, Jae's tongue slipped on each 'r', but he was too happy to care. Taeyong glanced at him grabbing his hand lovingly, so Jae knew he accepts him fully.

Soon Doyoung sang, while everyone clapped, then they asked the junior Donghyuk to perform a song, Mark did some beatbox and rap. Taeyong refused to rap, but Yuta and Johnny sang a very false song causing Jae to giggle.

"Jae sing this song from the showcase," said Doyoung and Ten nodded.

Jae felt all eyes on him and started to sweat, but Taeil gave him the chords and he sang quietly.

"Today I woke up with a face in mind," and everyone chanted. "It's love."

Jae was so happy to have his own song, one he could sing without causing people to laugh or make fun of him and it was all his fault, the one who needed him as he needed a soulmate, torn pieces, that could heal...

"Cos love is all we've got," Jae ended the song, everyone clapped, even Yuta forced a small applause, probably because Lauren was shouting and clapping with her hands and feet, and Jae blushed.

"Now you handsome boy," said Lauren looking straight at Taeil, who became all white, while Doyoung whispered a quiet 'breath' under his nose Taeil couldn't hear.

"Please sing for me," Lauren ignored Yuta's glance and smiled wider.

"Taeil, Lauren wants you to sing a song for her, so sing," said Doyoung and Taeil swallowed.

His face became as red as Doyoung's hair and he missed a few chords, because his hands were shaking so badly, and Jae hid his face in Taeyong's shoulder to not to burst out with laughter.

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