61. The day after

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Taeil was sitting on the bad and talking to him to keep his mind busy from all the bad stuff. After breakfast and a quick shower Jae was in the living room writing back to all the people, even to Yuta, but not to Taeyong. He felt hurt whenever he glanced at his boyfriend's messages. 'Would you had taken me with you, you wouldn't need to write and ask,' he typed in and delated.

He knew that he will be forced to see Taeyong later this evening as they performed again, and the fans had no clue about his situation. But when he opened the fan sites with the latest new he saw photos of him crying into Taeyong's shoulder on his driveway. Everyone wondered what happened and if Jae was moving out of town. He shivered feeling so much pain again that he got up from the couch and walked upstairs to make some order in his belongings. Taeil offered him half of the wardrobe, as the house was so small and they didn't have a guest room Jae got half of Taeil's bed. This was the moment when he reconsidered Mark, Minju or Miss Hiallry's offer, but Taeil was the one he trusted with his life, and they friendship had been through worse than sleeping in the same bed, so Jae was sure he made the right choice when he leaned all the other offers down.

Doyoung, Ten and Sicheng came right after school to bring him notes and Doyoung decided he will do his homework, but Jae didn't want to take it.

"Come on I do Kun's work," Doyoung sighed.

"I can," Jae started to make the math homework, but somehow couldn't get the counting right and Doyong grabbed his notebook, and did everything quickly.

"I mean there are worse things than being gay," said Ten and Doyoung sent him a killer glance.

"Sicheng sad, Jae sad," Sicheng moved his chair to Jae and hugged him in a sweet way.

Jae felt so strange, he was kicked out of his house, kicked onto Taeil's driveway by his boyfriend still he received so much love from his friends, not friends brothers, because that's what they were. He glanced around the small kitchen table and saw them clear for the fist time. Ten with his cheerful smile, Doyoung as aways serious and calm concentrated over Jae's homework, the little Sicheng who tried to give him some good energy with his skinny hands and body, and Taeil the always amazing and kind brother who took care of him since kindergarten and never failed.

"Guys, I love you," whispered Jae and Doyoung glanced up from the books.

"Sicheng love Jae," Sicheng hugged him tighter and Jae couldn't help but smile.

"Of course we love you too little trouble," Doyoung laughed and dived into the books.

"You're the best brother ever," Ten stretched his hand over the table and rubbed Jae's palm.

Taeil stayed quiet but Jae caught his glance as they communicated without words.

Maybe his family was right here right now. His mom never accepted him but this people around loved him for who he was.

The evening came and the boys escorted him backstage to the show. Only Taeil stayed because he had something important to do in town, while Jae was a little more courageous when Doyoung and Sicheng held his hands and Ten led him through the corridors from the changing room to the stage.

Taeyong was there, he looked miserable, his dark make up couldn't hide the bags under his eyes. He glanced at Jae and the boy felt his stomach made a unpleasant twist.

"Hi," muttered Taeyong lowering his head.

"Hi," said Doyoung who thought Taeyong had acted really really rudely last night.

"Jae you'll show them!" Ten smiled and Jae glanced towards Taeyong who avoided his eyes.

They could maybe talk about it but Jae wasn't the one who would start.

He walked towards the stairs to the staged and stopped as far from Taeyong as possible.

"How are you?" asked Taeyong and Jae swallowed again.

"Ok," he muttered raising his head higher.

"Listen..." started Taeyong but in this moment a guy ran to them and told them to go on stage.

Jae took a breath and went into the lights. He looked around him on the crowd that was chanting his name.

'Jae get better', 'Jae don't cry', 'Jae we love you' - the banners in the front rows made him dizzy.

The music started and he moved like he learned to. His body remembered the routine even if his heart and head were somewhere else. Taeyong rapped and Jae sang and they performed better than he expected. They bowed down, some mascots were thrown to Jae and he lifted a few up on his way backstage. There he hurried to the stuff to get rid of the microphone.

"Jae, the interviewer might ask you about last night," Mr. Billy ran to him.

"No comment," whispered Jae.

"Ok, I'll tell him to not to ask third question," the small mad ran to journalist while Jae and Taeyong were led to the changing room where the interview took place.

Jae answered two questions but Taeyong was the one talking the whole time and Jae was somehow thankful. When te interview ended he changed clothes quickly, he decided to visit the bank, he needed to check how much money he had earned on the song, he decided to give a part of it to Taeil and his parents to help them pay the bills, especially as he was part of it.

"Wait," Taeyong grabbed his hand causing him to get a electric shock when he was hurrying to his friends down the corridor from the changing room.

Jae turned around angrily.

"Please let us talk, I'm sorry I did it because it's better this way, really," Taeyong begged for forgiveness again.

"Let go!" hissed Jae.

"Please let me explain. I love you, I just don't want you to crush had over heals into your adult life. You have enough on your back with school and this new situation," Taeyong started but Jae brushed his hand off.

"I told you yestefday, I hate you," Jae was stone cold when he spoke the last words and Taeyong's face fell.

He looked like if he's about to cry but Jae turned around and ran to his friends.

He looked like if he's about to cry but Jae turned around and ran to his friends

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Hi, thank you again your support is everything <3

What do you think about this chapter? About Jaeyong's argument, and Jae's choice to stay with Taeil? Who's side are you on in this situation Jae or Tae's?

Also how do you like the comeback?

Much <3

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