63. The future star song contest

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Jae ate a solid breakfast and prepared sandwiches for Taeil's sister before he left the house, then he took the bus downtown to the company. He was lucky as Mr. Jacksonville was in his office this morning.

"Hello Jae," he said getting up from behind his desk and shaking his hands.

Jae bowed down and the man smiled.

"What brings you here? I need to talk to you about a few things, but I still need a green light from my boss," he was as always very nice.

"Do you have some time today?" asked Jae.

"Yes, I was about to leave and go for some coffee," said the man.

"Would you like to go to the Song Contest with me?" asked Jae and the man laughed.

"Are you performing?" he asked.

"No, my ffiend is," explained Jae.

"Yes, it sounds interesting, it might be refreshing to see some young artists," Mr. Jacksonville took his phone and jacket.

Jae felt heat on his cheeks, the plan worked so far and he was supper happy when they took the lift to the underground car park. Mr. Jacksonville had a very expensive but comfortable car, the complete opposite of Mr. Billy.

"I found Miss Berry a very promising young manager from LA, she is really interested in working with you," said the man when they drove through the city to the park where the contest was held on a open air stage. "It's not official yet but we want to produce your first single," said the man and Jae felt a twist in his insides.

He nodded, was it really happening this way, his dream. They stopped on the festival car park and walked to the security who was shocked to see a top producer from the company and the young singer Jaehyun. Some girls walked behind them and Jae saw how they took photos of him. He got inside with Mr. Jacksonville and found a great place with a stage view. The crowd was big as a lot of less famous, but known bands performed. Right now a boy was singing in a high pitched vocal and Mr. Jacksonville got bored quickly. Jae got a program from one of his fangirls, who came to ask for a signature and scanned it. They had five more performances to Taeil, but right now Mr. Jacksonville was checking his phone while a rock band performed.

The next five contestants didn't cause him to lift his head up and some were pretty good, and Jae began to worry.

"With the song 'Because of you' we will see Moon Taeil," said the boy in glasses who was the MC.

Jae tensed, he was wriggling in his chair, crossing his fingers. He was probably as nervous as his friend, who looked like if he's about to faint when he entered the scene in another horrible blue-purple checked sweater, and Jae took a breath. Some people on the stands laughed and Taeil became even more green. But then the music came and he hit the first note. A silence fell while his magic voice filled the air and Jae breathed in again. Mr. Jacksonville looked up from his phone and straightened in his chair.

"Who's this?" he asked grabbing the program from Jae.

"My ffiend," Jae was proud especially as the girls in the front rows started to scream Taeil's name.

"This is your friend?" Mr. Jacksonville had disbelief written on his face and Jae nodded. "You have talents like this in the Art School, why on Earth the company never heard about him?" the man listened to each note carefully.

When Taeil finished and a huge applause rolled over the stands Mr. Jacksonville jumped up.

"Come we need to catch him!" he said and Jae hesitated.

He ran through the stands behind the man and they got backstage where Mr. Jacksonville was asking each guard about Taeil. Finally Jae noticed the boy who was walking towards the changing rooms and he stopped behind some huge speaker box, while Mr. Jacksonville reached his friend.

"Moon Taeil?" he asked and Taeil sopped confused. "I'm David Jacksonville, main producer of DL Records," he shook Taeil's hand eagerly.

Taeil's lips formed a big 'O' but he was too shocked to answer.

"Here's my card, ask for my office we will meet tomorrow at 8 a.m.," Mr. Jacksonville was still shaking Taeil's hand.

"Ok," muttered the boy and he took the card.

"8 a.m., my office, tomorrow!" Mr. Jacksonville spoke louder when he let go of Taeil's hand and hurried back to Jae, while the boy stood there and glanced at the card too stunned to move.

Jae sneaked behind Mr. Jacksonville so Taeil won't notice him, he wore a big smile.

"What will you do with him?" asked Jae when they walked back to the car.

"Sing a record deal immediately, obviously, such a talent," Mr. Jacksonville was so deep in his mind he barely noticed Jae when he whispered things about ways to promote Taeil and called two songwriters on the way back.

The evening came and Jae was sitting next to the kitchen table with Taeil's sister while Taeil's mum was doing a late dinner and Doyoung was explaining Jae his music theory homework, when the door slammed. Everyone looked up to see a rather pale Taeil, who reached the kitchen. He was carrying a huge golden cup, flowers and a diploma. He needed a moment to figure out hew to put everything on the table.

"What's this?" asked Doyoung and Jae pretended to have a shocked face like everyone else.

"I won the Song Festival," whispered Taeil.

"I won the Song Festival," whispered Taeil

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Hi, thank you so much for all the love <3

I hope you like the chapter? What do you think about Jae's plan and the thing he did?

Also all the videos from today were so funny and the boys in pajamas so cute, but the amount of Yuwin (ah, no comment).

Much <3

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