64. Against the heart

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"Excuse me what? The Future Star prestigious Song Contest?" asked Doyoung.

"Yes," Taeil nodded and Jae smiled widely.

Taeil's mom ran to her son to hug him while his sister squeaked from happiness.

Soon Doyoung hurried to him to congratulate and Jae got up and hugged his friend.

"Why haven't you told a thing that you participating we would come and cheer for you," said Doyoung.

"Oh, I thought I'll just embarrass myself so I'd rather had no witnesses," Taeil got red.

Doyoung blinked a few times and Jae laughed.

"Here's the price money mom," Taeil stretched a rather thick envelope towards his mom.

"Oh honey it's your money," she said refusing to take it. "I'm so proud."

"And a DL company producer was there and gave me his card, he wants to see me tomorrow at 8 a.m.," said Taeil and Jae bit his lip.

He was responsible for it but he hoped his face never gave out the truth.

"Wow!" shouted Doyoung. "Soon I'll be the only one without a record deal," he became sad.

"Oh maybe he just wants to talk... I don't think," Taeil became even redder.

"He heard your voice, means he's your fan. Boy each company would kiss your feet if you'd sign a deal with them," Doyoung rolled his eyes.

"That's just nonsense," Taeil opposed.

Jae smiled to himself. He knew Mr. Jacksonville was preparing the record deal for Taeil and the songwriters were flying over from Hollywood, and he was so happy and proud.

He wished to see Taeil's face when he will find out the next morning.

"We should celebrate it, we will order pizza and call dad to come from his night shift," Taeil's mom was so happy that she told Doyoung to order the best pizza in town and she had a huge smile whenever she glanced at her son and the golden cup.

Sunday morning brought the meeting between Taeil and Mr. Jacksonville and Taeil signed the deal during the next week. The work on the album started immediately as Mr. Jacksonville was so enchanted by the boy's talent he wanted to debut him right now, especially as the Art School gave him a proper training, not worse that the trainees in the company received. So Taeil's family was on cloud nine and Minju took a flight from China to congratulate her boyfriend personally. She stayed over in a hotel as Taeil's house had no guest room but she visited each day, and Taeil was talking to her till late night hours in the living room, or took her for romantic dates into town and came back around 6 a.m., so Jae had the bed for himself, but felt rather lonely. March rolled in and Taeil was in the middle of the album recording when Mr. Jacksonville got green light for Jae's single from the company.

They needed to choose the song and Jae had to visit the man on Monday evening to do it, but on Monday morning he finally got the chance to talk to Taeyong. He happened to meet him in the empty upper hall next to miss Hillary's class.

"Hi," muttered Jae and Taeyong whispered a quick 'Hi' when he lowered his head.

"We need to talk," said Jae and Taeyong nodded.

A silence fell and both looked at their shoes.

"So talk," said Taeyong and his tone was harsh.

"I think we should be just ffiends," said Jae feeling his stomach crumbled and it's was more difficult to actually say it than practice it in his imagination.

"Means you're breaking up?" asked Taeyong raising his head.

Jae hesitated. Breaking up meant no more hope, no more kisses or hugs or nice time, it meant Taeyong could really end up with someone ealse, and Jae's insides burnt with fear, but was he really willing to continue something that stopped existing the night his family had kicked him out?

"Yes," he said regretting this words more than everything.

"Ok," Taeyong bit his lip. "That's all?" he asked.

"Guess," Jae shrugged so Taeyong passed him running down the stairs leaving Jae in the empty corridor who than realized how empty it made him feel, so some tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Jae sweetie," he heard Miss Hillary's voice behind him as the older woman hurried to him. "Come," she grabbed his arm and took him to the assembly hall, there he sat on the stage and she hurried around the room bringing him some tea and cookies.

"What happened?" she asked sitting next to him. "You love him."

Jae nodded and tried to hold back his tears.

"But he doesn't," said Jae cleaning his nose into a handkerchief.

"Sometimes one love is enough, besides I wouldn't say he doesn't by the way he looked when he ran away," she said.

"You don't undefstand. He, he abandoned me like my pafents on the same day," said Jae.

"How?" she asked and he told her the whole story from the moment his mom caught them kissing after the show to the time when he ended up screaming on Taeil's bed.

"I think he's really really afraid," said the lady.

"Affaid of what?" asked Jae.

"Of love," Miss Hillary gave him another handkerchief for his tears.

"What?" Jae couldn't understand.

"He had been hurt by his parents so much he thinks love is a bad thing, so he expects the same bad things to happen if he gets too close or too involved, so he refuses to love even if he does. He's very afraid he could love you so much he wouldn't stand if you hurt and leave him so he keeps his distance. The thing is he loves you that much already," she shook her head. "I've told the sweetie he takes the world too serious."

Jae swallowed he looked around the empty room.

Last May he had been here a day after his first kiss hugging Taeyong next to the wall on the floor while the boy agreed on them being together. Jae's stomach moved. 'I guess I'm yours since the beginning,' Taeyong's voice sounded in his memory and Jae felt he's so broken.

He stayed with Miss Hillary till he stopped crying then returned to class. Taeyong wasn't there and Jae felt it's better this way. Later this day Taeil and Doyoung told him it might be a mistake to break up without a proper talk, Ten decided to not to take any side and Sicheng hugged him to cheer him up.

Jae spent a sleepless night causing Taeil to ask him to stop tossing and turning, as they were sharing the bed again because Minju had left and Taeil had more time again.

Jae spent a sleepless night causing Taeil to ask him to stop tossing and turning, as they were sharing the bed again because Minju had left and Taeil had more time again

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Hello, thank you for so much for all your love and support :)

What do you think about the chapter? What do you think about Taeil getting a record deal? What do you think about Jae's decision, what will happen to Jaeyong?

Much <3

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