35. The rat and the chance

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They crossed the cafeteria and Taeyong sat at the cool clique's table as casually as if he belonged here. Jae felt he's trembling, when he took the empty spot next to his boyfriend.

"The famous rapper decided to appear, but what is THIS doing at our table?" asked Kun when Johnny and Hansol laughed madly.

Taeil bit his lip, but focused his gaze at his plate.

"Taeil why are you here with this guy?" asked Taeyong who ignored Kun's juicy comment.

But Taeil pretended a chair was speaking to him.

"Do you really think he will spend time with betrayers, fake friends and scum like you?" said Kun and Taeyong tensed.

"What do you mean!" shouted an irritated Jae.

"I'm a superstar in your company and you're just a trainee, who might debut and might not, a little respect here!" Taeyong raised his voice, but Kun's smile never faded, when he looked straight at the boy.

"Does your friend know about your situation, your little deal with the company? One mistake and you're out, back where you came from," Kun leaned above the table and Taeyong jumped up closing his fists.

He looked like he's going to punch Kun so Jae grabbed his hands holding him back.

"Oh, this for example would be the little mistake you need," added Kun and even Johnny and Hansol stopped to smile.

"Come, he's not wofth it," begged Jae when he was holding Taeyong tighter, while the other was struggling in his grip.

"Any problems there?" asked the cafeteria lady through the room and Jae tensed.

"Not at all!" Jae faked a smile letting go of Taeyong, who stormed off the room.

Jae wanted to go after him, but he decided against it, maybe Taeyong needed his own space, so the boy returned to his table.

"What has this rat done?" asked Doyoung.

"He was vefy mean to Taeyong," Jae shook his head.

He felt that anyone who was hurting Taeyong, was hurting him twice as much as when they were doing bad things to him.

"This is impossible, and Taeil is really sitting there with him?" asked Doyoung.

"Maybe it's a double, and the real Taeil in tied up in Kun's basement," muttered Ten.

"Bad?" asked Sicheng, who was looking at all faces.

"Vafy bad," Jae shook his head again.

Taeyong somehow calmed down, but he was miserable till the end of the week and Jae's mom said no to the sleepover, as his aunt and uncle came to visit, but Mr. Jacksonville called Jae and his mom, and arranged a meeting at the company. Jae's mom didn't want to meet Taeyong there, so she sent dad to sign the deal. Jae was happy about that so on Saturday morning he was sitting at the long table in this huge skyscraper, shivering and sweating a lot.

He wore his best sweater and combed his hair five times, but he still felt he's not good enough to be here. Taeyong and his manager were at the other side of the table and Mr. Jacksonville, the main album producer, came in a little late. He smiled wide shaking all hands. Jae's father was paler than Jae and the boy knew, that without his mom, he will be the only one to negotiate here.

"Jaehyun please read through the deal with your father, in case of any questions we're here to answer," said Mr. Jacksonville who put a lot of papers in front of Jae. "This is a media rights lawyer, Mr. Oh," the producer introduced an older balding man in a too big suit.

Jae's father started to read through the papers and Jae did the same.

"It's a good contract, the main paragraphs you have to check are here, and here," Taeyong got up walking to Jae.

He leaned above him, his hand landed on Jae's under the table, and soon the boy felt this long skinny fingers caressing up and down his skin.

He suddenly felt relaxed and started to read properly.

His father asked a lot of questions, it turned out Jae will share some rights to performing of the song, and he will get 5 % of each sold copy of the single and 0,3% of each sold copy of the album. Because he was still underaged his parents will have the right to the money till he will turn 18. Also another huge pile of paper said about all possible rights to his image and voice. If the song will become a single Jae might be a pert of it and perform in some of the main music shows in the country, or during concerts. He had to agree to all off it, but a specific deal will be signed, if the situation happens. So after 5 hours of talking and reading, and complicated law language Jae and his father signed all the papers, and were free to go.

"Can I stay hefe, I'll go back home latef," Jae looked at his father when they left the meeting room.

Taeyong stopped next to a wall meters from them and looked at Jae with lustful dark eyes, so Jae began to sweat.

His father turned around noticing the other boy, then rubbed his hair.

"I'll tell mom I left you at Doyoung's, don't be back too late," he said and smiled showing the same dimples Jae had inherited.

"Thank you so much," Jae smiled bright and tapped his father's shoulder.

The older man tried to smile when he turned around and left taking all the papers with him.

"Cool guy, your father," said Taeyong when Jae walked to him. "Mine sucks a lot."

Jae didn't know what to say, so he opened his mouth, but Taeyong smiled and grabbed his sleeve.

"Come," he said.

"Whefe afe we going?" asked Jae.

"To my flat, ok?" Taeyong raised his brow and Jae shivered.

They hasn't been alone since the wild make out session in the alley behind Doyoung's house and Jae swallowed.

The way their relationship had this hot moments, and long phases of acting just like friends made Jae so confused. He still couldn't get used to all the physical stuff, because it came so rarely, but when it came, it was so hot he didn't know how to deal with it.

Yet he followed Taeyong to a taxi and to the penthouse.

Yet he followed Taeyong to a taxi and to the penthouse

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Hello, the new chapter is up. Thank you so much for all the support. I hope you still like the story, as the last two chapters recived a lot less feedback. Still thank you a lot.

So what do you think about the chapter? Why do you think Taeil is standing Kun and ignoring his friends? What about Jae singing on Tae's album?

Much <3

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