31. Night call

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They started math in the afternoon and Doyoung yawned loud, while Jae helped Sicheng to find the right chapter in the book. Mr. Moo was also a little sleepy, the school routine started and everyone needed to adjust again, teachers and students. Jae was doing the counting in his notebook, when the door opened and a out of breath Taeyong hurried into the room.

"Mr. Lee!" Mr. Moo turned to him.

"So sorry," Taeyong bowed down four times. "Won't happen again."

He glanced at Jae, who looked the other way, even if his heart was screaming.

Taeyong rushed to the back of the class and took Yuta's empty spot as his place was taken by the new boy Kun.

"Mr. Moo you made a mistake in the last equaiton," Kun spoke and the whole class turned around.

Jae felt his mouth is wide open.

"Excuse me what?" Mr. Moo fixed his glasses.

"Here," Kun got up walking to the teacher showing him the place in his notes.

Mr. Moo glanced at the paper, calculated it a few times then got pale.

"Really, I'm sorry boys, glad you noticed Mr. Qian," he faked a smile and Kun raised his head higher, when he walked to his desk.

"Can I accidentally kick him off the stairs?" asked Doyoung quietly.

"Maybe he's just adjusting," said Jae and Doyoung shook his head.

"I smell a rat, it's in the room," Doyoung moved his nose in a funny way and Jae giggled.

"Bunny... teeth," Sicheng smiled and touched Jae's arm pointing at Doyoung.

"No, Doyoung," Jae took a breath and Sicheng became red.

"No bad... cute bunny," Sicheng tried to explain himself when Jae rubbed his shoulder.

What a start of the year.

The still warm air was coming inside through the opened window, the speech therapist was as always late for his first class this year, so Jae was drawing a very delicate cloud, the first one in the new notebook.

He heard footsteps and kept drawing, till the person stopped right next to his desk and jumped on the opposite one.

"I came to ask if you will sing for me?" Taeyong's voice made him breath in sharply.

He glanced up to meet this beautiful eyes, they were now all dark and stubborn.

"You have time till tomorrow to decide," Taeyong got up. "Call or send me a text, whatever, just say yes or no, I need to record it soon, so if... I'm waiting for your message," Taeyong stormed out of the cass and nearly threw Mr. Bronson over, and made the man spill his coffee over the floor, but Jae never moved an inch. He crossed the cloud out with thick black lines and scribbled 'I hate you' at the bottom of the page.

He was so not focused, that Mr. Bronson let him go earlier and Jae walked around the school building not ready to go home. He was about to call Doyoung, when he saw Lauren and her friends, and somehow he ended up running to them.

"Laufen," he stopped the girl and she glanced at him, while her friends giggled, but she ignored.

"Jae is something wrong?" Lauren grabbed his arm.

"I need to talk," he whispered.

"Sure, girls, I'll meet you later," she smiled to her friends and they seemed shocked, but walked off turning around a few times. "We can go to the cafe," said Lauren and Jae nodded.

So they walked down the two streets to their favorite place and found a quiet table for two. The cafe was empty as lessons ended two hours ago and Jae ordered coffee for both. He palyed gentleman, paid for it, what made Lauren blush.

"So what happened?" she asked after they exchanged phone numbers to be in touch just in case.

"Taeyong came to me, while I was waiting fof the speech thefapist," whispered Jae. "He wasn't nice, he told me I have time till tomoffow to decide, if I sing on Tfack 12," Jae was still trembling from anger.

"Will you throw away the chance to be on your idol's album? Beside he made the first move, it means he cares, a lot. I guess right now he loves you a lot more than you love him," Lauren spoke gently and Jae's stomach turned.

"Impossible," he whispered.

He remembered Taeyong's disappointed and sad eyes, and he felt strange.

Why was it so important for him to make Jae sing this song, a charity case, like Yuta called it?

"If I were you, I'd say yes, at least as a fan," she said.

Jae bit his lip.

"Ok," he muttered taking his phone out and writing a short 'Yes' to Taeyong.

He pressed send and felt he's not sure, if he did the right thing.

"What about you?" he asked.

"Can't sleep," Lauren took a breath and Jae noticed her pale face and cried out eyes. "He called this morning, they are in LA dancing twelve hours a day with a choreographer who works for ABDC and SYTYCD. Yuta says it's so much work he barely eats or sleeps, but it's worth it. I think he's happy, it was his dream since forever," she tried to act calm, but the tears came again. "I really don't know how I will stand it Jae, it's been a week out of 52, and I'm a wreck," she shook her head.

"You'fe stfong," whispered Jae. "You can do it."

"Thank you for being here," she put her hand on his palm and caressed it causing him to blush. "And I believe you'll manage to make it all up between you and Taeyong," she smiled and Jae felt he really wishes her words could be true.

It was way past midnight, but something woke him up and Jae turned in bed before he finally found his phone. It was vibrating and he rubbed his eyes, before he picked it up.

"Yes," he said with a very sleepy voice.

"It's urgent so wake up," Doyoung was whispering on the other side and Jae sat one the bed.

"It's urgent so wake up," Doyoung was whispering on the other side and Jae sat one the bed

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Hello, Thank you so much for all the constant support. It's amazing how you care about Jae and the other characters <3

How do you like the new chapter? What do you think about Jaeyong's first conversation after this long time? What do you think will happen next? Why is Doyoung calling in the middle of the night?

Much <3

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