42. Footsteps in the snow

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The morning was cloudy and Jae opened his eyes to find he's all cold on the floor. He glanced around to see he was the only one, who had slept in, all the boys including Taeyong were dressed up and busy cleaning the room. Jae yawned, but then he remembered last night and he became too embarrassed to even look at Taeyong, so he jumped up and ran upstairs to shower and get dressed. He came back to see Taeyong speaking to his mom.

"I'll bring Sicheng home, I hired a taxi anyway," said Taeyong who was slowly hiding under the gray scarf as Jae entered.

"Bye Jae it was fun," Ten rolled his eyes and hugged Jae goodbye.

"Nice, food yum," Sicheng smiled and hugged Jae even tighter than Ten.

"See you at school, don't forget the music theory essay it's important," Doyoung tapped his shoulder and Jae groaned.

"Bye," Taeyong bowed down, he glanced from Jae to his mom and wasn't sure what to do, so he stretched his hand out awkwardly and Jae shook it very quickly, but the burning touch of Taeyong's fingers brought the kisses from last night back, so alive that Jae felt like if his chest is scattered in stars when his skin remembered each inch touched by Taeyong's lips.

"Sicheng come," Taeyong grabbed the boy by the sleeve and pulled him along the driveway, while Sicheng waved to Jae and his mom, and Jae waved back. He stayed in the icy air watching how his love and the cute boy jumped into the taxi, his heart feeling so empty.

"Were you going out at night?" asked his mom and Jae tensed.

"No, why?" he glanced at her.

"There are footsteps from the gate to the living room window, I bet it's this criminal kid who did a stupid prank, I won't ever, ever let him into this house again. I must check if something's missing, have you seen how he reordered the things in the bathroom? By colors," she groaned.

"He's OCD," whispered Jae feeling his cheeks are burning.

"Oh, at least he doesn't have rats in his pants and lice in his hair," she went inside and Jae ignored the cold.

He shivered walking into the snow in his slippers to watch the footsteps she was referring to, and there really were fresh steps leading straight to the living room window, but when Jae leaned above them he saw they were the size 42 and Taeyong wore 44.

"Maybe Taeil came but decided to go back home," said Doyoung when Jae told them about the footsteps at school on Monday. "Taeil has small feet, he's all small actually," said the redhead.

Jae turned around to see Taeil, who was wearing a white shirt and a black tie to blue jeans and looked as handsome and stunning as usual when he took his place in the music theory class.

Jae glanced at the boy's sneakers and wondered if they were size 42, indeed Taeil had small feet.

But his thoughts were cut by Mr. Sacudo, a hispanic origin teacher, who was one of the most strict in the Art School. No one liked his class and Jae really saw no point in doing music theory in senior year.

"The new essays," said Mr. Sacudo. "Doyoung please collect them."

Doyoung sprang up and everyone started to look through their bags for the homework.

Each month they got a super long and boring essay to write and Jae groaned when he slid the papers over to Doyoung. Taeyong had two pages only and Jae knew it meant no go for Mr. Sacudo, but Taeyong never bothered about school too much.

Even Sicheng was able to write four pages with Chinese words in-between and Jae giggled.

When Doyoung laid the pile on the teachers desk and returned to his seat Mr. Sacudo got up. He was a tall man with thick eyebrows and very spiky black hair.

"I had corrected your essays from last month," he said and somehow his voice seemed strange.

Jae glanced from Doyoung to Taeyong to Sicheng and he caught glimpses of a very wide grin on Kun's face.

That meant nothing good and Jae shivered.

"I must say, that I'm very disappointed, never in my teaching career have I faced a situation like this," the teacher raised his vocie and the skin on his neck became very red. "I hope you're all aware plagiarism is crime, that can cause expulsion and jail," said the teacher and now Jae was sweating all over.

"I bet it's Hansol," whispered Doyoung leaning closer to Jae's ear. "I bet he forgot about the essay and copied the first article from wikipedia he came across," Doyoung giggled.

"Taeil, I thought you're better than this!" said the teacher and silence, like a sudden wind filled the classroom.

"Taeil, I thought you're better than this!" said the teacher and silence, like a sudden wind filled the classroom

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Hi, Thank so so much for the amazing support. The story reached over 30K reads and 3K stars, this makes me so proud and happy. You are the best :) Thank you so much <3 <3

So here's teh new chapter, what do you think about it? I can only tell the friends will face a lot of drama in the next chapters. So who do you think the footsteps belonged to? Whay was this person there? What do you think about the unexpacted news about Taeil?

Also the shoe sizes are the one used in my country, so I hope it won't be confusing.

Also I'm working on a new Jaeyong story, but this story is my priority so I will keep posting it regularly, but my question to you is should I post the second Jaeyong story soon or should I wait with it? What to you think?

Much <3

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