58. In his arms

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Their hair has dried as they were waiting for Mr. Billy on a comfortable couch in a room right next to the front door, Jae was lying in Taeyong's arms, he was more than happy, he guessed he might explode from all the love he experienced. Taeyong was placing little kisses on his head, forehead, nose and lips while they were listening to his new album and Jae was singing along to the chorus of each song.

Suddenly he remembered this was exactly the situation he had observed Yuta and Lauren in months ago, wishing a thing like this could happen to him and now it was real, so he took Taeyong's hand kissing it causing the boy to laugh.

"My Jae," Taeyong played with his curls but in this moment the door crackled and they heard footsteps.

Moments later Mr. Billy came in? his face fell when he noticed them, but he tried to act like if nothing had happened.

"Can we go now?" he asked.

"Sure," Taeyong placed another kiss on the top of Jae's head.

"I love you," he whispered soundlessly causing the boy to feel all warm inside.

"Now, not in a hundred years!" Mr. Billy was impatient and Jae felt so cold when he moved out of Taeyong's arms getting up.

Taeyong took his hand intertwining their fingers when they walked behind the small man to the sports car, and Taeyong handed the castle keys to his manager, who locked the door twice.

The morning was warmer as the rests of the snow were melting quickly, a fog had raised, Jae needed to let go of Taeyong's hand when his boyfriend squeezed in the uncomfortable space on the backseat. Mr. Billy was quiet, like them the whole way to the city, he never even said bye when he dropped Jae of at his driveway.

Doyoung was the first one who complemented Jae on his new hair on Monday morning but Jae couldn't hear about his hair any longer. His mom had called the company twenty times after he had come home threatening them with a process for ruining he son's hair and image. "He's not some punk from the street, he'a child from a noble house, he's not like this this criminal you're keeping under your roof!" Jae still head her words echoing in his ears causing him to wince at the memory.

But then he remembered Taeyong's kisses on his skin, his wet lips, the water drops dripping from his hair strings right on Jae's face, when they had been making out in the pool and Jae stopped in the school corridor smiling to himself. In moments like this he wanted to hug the whole word, tell everyone how much in love he is, but he knew Taeyong would never agree on it.

Unfortunately the memory was all he had left through the rest of January with it's rainy weather and sudden snow. A few quick kisses in some deserted corners of the school building or in the bathroom were everything they got. Taeyong called each evening and they were whispering long conversations till 2, sometimes 3 in the morning so Jae was constantly sleepy and less focused. He forgot his homework twice and made so many mistakes in his essay for Mr. Sacudo that the teacher talked to him after class and told him to focus.

But Jae suffered the 'in love' syndrome. His dance became so bad he was placed behind Doyoung for the first term showcase, but Taeyong begged Mr. Wang for the practice room after school and gave Jae extra classes. Of course they ended up kissing more then practicing, Taeyong even considered asking Ten for help instead, but Jae never allowed him.

It was another a short time when they could be all alone and Jae enjoyed each second.

As expected his miserable first term grades made his mom furious. She was shouting through the house for three long hours and told Taeyong is the reason for everything bad, that has ever happened to Jae or the whole family. Jae knew Taeyong was the reason, or rather Jae's hopeless crush, but she had been unfair again.

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