20. Sneaking and kisses

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"I guess I will complain to my parents, I'm stuck with you losers and now I'm doing kitchen work with Bunny," Yuta glanced at Doyoung and Jae, while he dried the dishes.

"One day you won't be so cool anymore life verifies things," said Doyoung, who had his hands in the bubbles in the sink.

Jae looked at these two, he was busy making sandwiches for the next morning.

"Jaef be useful and get a few sandwiches and five bottles of water. We need some viands for later," Yuta winked.

"What?" Jae opened his mouth.

"No parties in our house!" said Doyoung crossing his hands.

"You're so lame a rug could fall asleep next to you," Yuta made a yawning sound. "That's why my dear Bunny you will never have a girlfriend," he came closer and tapped the boy's shoulder.

Doyoung's face became red and Jae smiled.

"He had and giflffiend in middle school," said Jae and Yuta laughed.

"Yes I believe he had a gifffffend, was it a hamster or a teddy?"

"Her name was Yoni," Doyoung became redder than his hair.

"Nice name for a dog," said Yuta and a moment later Jae sprang up by the crackling sound of broken glass.

"Oh priceless," whispered Yuta, while Jae saw in all his horror, how the always calm Doyoung slammed a plate against the floor.

"Doyoung, sweetie you can't do this!" Miss Hillary hurried into the kitchen and Yuta cried from laughter.

"But Yuta was mean to him!" shouted Jae. "He said Doyoung's ex giflfff-f-f was a dog!" he was ready to defend his friend.

"You have a funny imagination Jaef," Yuta winked when Jae also wanted to throw the sandwich, he was holding, right into him.

"Doyoung you will do extra work for punishment. Tomorrow at six you'll come here to help Mr. Perry the cook," Miss Hillary fixed her glasses. "Now clean it up!" she ordered and turned to Yuta. "I'll have an eye on you," she muttered passing the boys and Yuta's smile faded.

"Old toad," he called her behind her back, and Jae felt he really truly wants to punch him.

He was so sad when Doyoung hurried for a dustpan and started to clean up the shattered glass.

The atmosphere was down, Doyoung went to sleep early, so Jae moved to Taeil and Ten's room to talk. He sat on Taeil's bed and was cuddling to the older boy, while they were listening to Ten's favorite songs.

The door next to their room crackled and Ten jumped up. He ran to the living room and Jae lifted his head from Taeil's shoulder.

"Wow you both look fine, were are you going!" Ten had a harsh tone.

"Party, no losers invited," Yuta's voice made Jae sick.

"Come on, you can come and take Taeil," said Taeyong and Jae's stomach turned. "And Jae..." he added glancing into the room, and noticing the boy.

"Come on, no losers invited," said Yuta.

"They are friends," Taeyong looked at him so meaningfully, that Yuta shut up.

"But get some better clothes," Yuta eyed all three up.

"Give us a few minutes," Ten hurried to the room then looked through his bag.

Jae got up walking to his room, he tiptoed to the suitcase and grabbed a few clothes, then moved to the bathroom to change. He wore a rock band t-shirt and black jeans to a leather jacket, and tossed a glance towards his mirror reflection, it wasn't bad.

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