Chapter 49

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"Noonaaaaa!" Youngjae yells.

"Shhh! We have neighbors you know!" Junior reprimands. Youngjae glances at him and ignores him.

"Miguel!" He yells once more. He comes toward us by the foyer and hugs us both. "Come meet Coco."

He takes Miguel and hurries toward his room. I look around and is reminded of the last time I came here.

"Sorry again about last time," I turn and see Mark rubbing his neck sheepishly.

"It's cool," I smile kindly before turning it into a smirk. "Just don't do it again."

"Again, sorry," he repeats holding his hands up in surrender.

"Mmm," I hum opening my arms. He smirks and hugs me. I wrap my arms around his torso and breath in his scent.

"Get a room," Jackson calls out.  We both sigh and I drop my arms and turn to him. I open my arms and raise a brow expectantly. "CHRISTINE!"

"Oh-hoh," I groan as he tackles me. I lose balance, but Mark is quick to balance me. "It's good to see you too. How was KCON?"

"It was so fun! Noona, have you ever gone to Canada?" BamBam asks from the couch.

"Yeah, once before, but I didn't go to like Toronto or Vancouver," I answer. I try and remove the leech attached to my body, but he wouldn't budge.

"Did you try Tim Horton's?" Jackson ask. He pulls back just enough to look at me.

"Of course. You can't go there without trying it," I answer.

"It's really good," Junior comments. He waves at me and I smile and wave back

"I'm glad you guys had fun," JB smiles. We exchange glance and smile.

"So did you and hyung ever hang out while we were away?" Yugyeom asks. With Mark's help, I push off Jackson and he pouts and heads for Junior on the recliner.

JB and I glance at each other once more and we smirk.

"Yeah a few times. I heard what had happened and wanted to give moral support. You know, see how he's doing as all," I fib...partially.

"Did you meet here? At the company? Outside?" Mark asks.

"Uhm, mostly at the company, and then if ever anything we went out for coffee or something," JB answers. I nod in agreement. We had always felt bad in lying to them, but it's not harmful, so it's okay right?

"Bo-ring! You guys could have gone out and play!" BamBam says.

"First of all, I'm working. Second of all, Jaebum is still in the healing process," I reason.

"Since when have you called him by his real name?" Mark asks.

"AHAHAHA COCO! COCO!" Youngjae's powerful voice is heard across the dorm. The scratching of nails is heard followed by pairs of feet. A disheveled white dog appears and jumps at Mark. He lifts the dog up and examines it.

"What did they do to you?" He mumbles.

"Momma! Momma!"

"Ssht! Inside voice," I interrupt Miguel. He covers his mouth before opening it up and whispering.

"Momma! I want a dog!" Miguel exaggerates. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. This will pass. It's just a phase. It's just a phase. "I want a dooooog!"

"Miguel, you can just come and help take care of Coco when we're away, how about that?" JB tells Miguel.

"Arasso," Miguel concedes. JB ruffles his hair and pats his head.

TIME: Mark Tuan editionWhere stories live. Discover now