Chapter 66

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"CHRIS!" My name gets yelled from down the hall. My eyes widen and I run. I don't look back. I just run. I pass by multiple people and apologize. They look behind me and laugh.

I see a familiar face and drop all sense of shame. "SAVE ME!"

I grab his bigger frame and hide behind him. He's confused and dazed.

"Hyung! Look what she did!" Mark's newly drawn face yells angrily at Taecyeon. I feel his body bounce as he chuckles and I grip onto his shirt tightly.

"What are you planning to do to her?" he asks in our common tongue, English.

"I'm going to give her what she deserves!" Mark barks.

"I don't think Christine deserves anything. How do I know that she didn't do this to you because of what you did to her?" Taecyeon reasons. Mark tries to get at me from the sides, but Taecyeon helps me and turns with me behind him as he guards me. "This is the most I've seen you agitated and vocal."

"Hyung," Mark whines. "I didn't do anything to deserve this!"

"Is that true?" Taecyeon looks back at me. I give him eyes resembling the cat from Shrek and he chuckles understanding that I really just did it for fun.

"He said I could do his makeup," I say innocently blinking up at him. He chuckles and nods patting my head.

"Sorry, I'd hate to have that done to my face too," he surprises me and moves away. My eyes widen and Mark's face is filled with delight. I glance on either side of the hall before running again. I hear Taecyeon laugh as I squeal. Mark's feet are heavy as he draws near.

"I trusted you!" I yell out. His laugh is even louder before fading in the distance. I turn a corner only to be caught. "Ah!"

I'm stuck in his hold and I hear his breathing behind me. We are both heaving and I relax feeling the exhaustion. We stand there catching our breath.

"Gotcha," he breaths. I nod and tap his arm. He loosens it and we stand leaning against the wall. I look over at him and laugh airily. "You're definitely going to get it."

"Try me, Mark. You know I'll win," I smirk. He wraps an arm around my neck pulling me down to his chest. I squeal as he laugh bringing us back to where it all started.

"I GOT HER!" Mark announces upon entering the room. Everyone looks over and laughs. Mark clears a seat and makes me sit down. Too tired to move, I stay still.

"What are you going to do to her?" Jinyoung asks coming over. He wiggles his eyebrows and laughs.

"Surprise!" Mark says happily. "Can everyone go out?"

"What? Why?" Youngjae asks.

"I want to see what you do!" Bambam says.

"Yeah, hyung!" Yugyeom adds.

"Out, I want to surprise everyone!" Mark says. Everyone looks at each other unsure and slowly walk out of the practice room.

"What's your plan?" I narrow my eyes.

"Are you sure you are ready to let everyone know?" he asks tilting his head.

"What do you mean?" my brows knit.

"Just yes or no," he asks. I nod my head with a feeling of uncertainty. "Okay, now close your eyes."

I do as told and he begins writing and drawing on my face. "Nothing excessive, okay?"

"Trust me. It won't be like anything you have done to me," he chuckles. "Pucker your lips."

"What?" I ask and chuckle.

TIME: Mark Tuan editionWhere stories live. Discover now