Eleven ~ My Prince Charming

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"She's waking up, call the healer quickly!" Prince Aldrik ordered to the guard, who was standing in attention by the slightly opened door, as he dashed towards the bedside. With narrowed eyes, he loomed over the woman whom he found unconscious at the garden a few hours earlier.

He shouldn't be giving an importance to the unwelcomed intruder, but he was too curious about something that he didn't want to leave her side until she wakes up. He had every intention, albeit inside his mind, of getting all of his questions answered. Aldrik was never intrigued by anyone or anything before, until that very moment. If it was up to him, either he would've vigorously shaken or slapped her awake long ago, but he couldn't act out of his character more than he already did. It wasn't like him to even spare a second on someone unimportant let alone wait for long uncertain hours just to have a discussion. It was always, the other way around.

He glared at the woman who was comfortably sleeping on his bed inside his chamber. He was certain that he heard her groan a while ago.

Is she really still asleep or is she pretending? He couldn't help but wonder deep inside.

Venus waited for the sound of a man's sweet voice again-whom she thought was her prince charming-but only silence greeted her. Harbouring a slight disappointment inside her chest, she brushed it aside and shifted to her left side. Taking a deep breath, she inhaled a light mixture of sandalwood and lavender in the air. A soft moan of contentment passed her lips. Without planning of opening her eyes anytime sooner, Venus buried her head deeper into what she thought as the fluffiest pillow that cradled her head. Her body curled into a fetal position with her left hand hugging herself while inserting her right hand beneath the cushion caressing the soft and silky sheet. She wanted to continue dreaming about her prince.

"Hmmnn... This feels good. Are you, my angel? Please talk again, you have the sweetest voice I've ever heard," she mumbled. With her eyes still closed, she was forcing herself to go back to sleep and have another dream of her prince charming.

"No, I'm not your angel! Who are you? What are you doing in my mother's garden?" Stomping his foot, Prince Aldrik was starting to lose his patience.

Venus' eyes shot open. She fanned her lashes adjusting to the brightness of the room. Jerking upwards, she gasped when she was met with an unfamiliar room. She found herself sprawled in the middle of a king sized bed draped in black silk sheets.

I did it! She squealed in her mind for her success in going back to dreamland. Strange dream. Feels so real. Her eyes frantically scanning herself, tapping her body for any changes. She was again disappointed to see that she was still wearing her own tee shirt and jeans. At least, she could have had a fancy gown or something to make her dream perfect.

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