Chapter 31 Coping Up

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"ALDRIIIKKK!" Venus shouted jerking up from her bed. Sweat glistened like she had ran a marathon. Her white hair sticked like glue to her skin in all directions.

"Vee.. It's alright. We're all here." D's shushed voice filled her ears. She turned her gaze towards the direction of her voice. Rufus, Agnus, Marcus and Daphne all sat on the other bed. Sad lavender eyes lingered longer on Marcus.

"I-I'm sorry. I always give you all worries and troubles. This time, it's for me to cope and mine alone. I was so stupid for thinking and hoping that.... that... Oh, I don't know," she sobbed softly, covered her face with both her hands.

She felt someone sit beside her and gave her a comforting hug.

"Oh, D.. I was so stupid. I'm really an expert in making a fool out of myself," she cried to her as she hugged her back. A scent mixture of musk and cinnamon calmed her senses.

"Loving is not foolishness. We will never know what love is if we won't face heartbreak." Marcus murmured in her ear.

She stiffened for a minute surprised that it wasn't D beside her. She pried away from his embrace and saw the concerned look on his face.

"Your hand... I burned it," she reached for his hand to inspect it.

"It's healed already, don't worry," he lifted his hand in front of her not breaking eye contact.

"Your eyes... they're red again.. I never thought I will ever find it beautiful. Before I came here, I was terribly frightened of seeing other beings especially vampires. Please don't pity me.." She blabbered to Marcus caressing his face with her hand.

"I'm here as your friend Vee. All four of us. We do not pity or judge you.We're here to support and help you cope up." Marcus replied to her, kissing her forehead.

"Thank you.." her tears relentlessly falling as she looked at her friends one by one.

"Rest now Vee.. We will be here..." D said to her while Marcus tucking her back to bed.

She closed her tired eyes once again as Marcus whispered to her.
"Somnimum dolcerum," she thanked him silently for the help in dozing off.


"You better have a good explanation about what just happened at the academy, son." Lord Ronheild said to Aldrik in a modulated voice, reigning in his temper.

"I don't know what to say. I love Letticia, father." Aldrik answered nonchalantly.

"Don't test my patience son. You can start by the time you kissed Venus!" Lord Ronheild's voice echoed throughout the hall chamber where he was seated by his golden throne.

"It's not like she didn't liked it. Father, women like her flung themselves to me to get to the throne. Letticia is different." Aldrik explained agitated.

"You know very well that Venus is nothing like that. I did not raise you like this. We do not toy with women especially innocent ones. You do not deserve her. Marcus deserves her more. Have fun with your Letticia, you will never get my blessing." The Lord replied in resigned tone through clenched teeth. He then disappeared in a burst of blue flames.

"Wait, father!" Aldrik exclaimed to no avail.

So Marcus and Venus,huh?! He thought to himself huffing. There was something that stirred deep within him.

"Is your father gone? I-I'm sorry but I overheard your conversation. I never meant to hurt anyone especially Venus. She seemed to be a very nice woman. Is she the one you were with that time we first met?" Letticia came in looking so sad with eyes full of unshed tears.

"Yes, she was. Let us not talk about her. Don't be sad, it pains me to see you like that... I'm sorry for all of this. It will be okay later on. My father will eventually understand." Aldrik said engufing her into his warm embrace.

"I... I.... I can't Aldrik... Knowing that a lot of people are hurting. I care about you a lot but... Let us wait until your father understands.. The right time to bond will come." Letticia pushed him away from her using both her hands on his chest as finally tears rolled down one by one from her eyes.

"No, my inamorata. Don't do this. I will talk to father again soon.." Aldrik held her by the chin to hold her gaze, wiping her tears with his thumb.

"Then soon we shall be together.." She replied to him with finality. She peeled her face from him and turned towards the doors.
"G-goodbye for now my inamorato.."

As the door clicked shut behind her, Aldrik disappeared in a burst of red flames. Reappearing within minutes in front of Venus bed chamber.

The door opened in a flash and Marcus came out closing the door behind him silently.
"What do you want from her," he hissed at him.

"Is she alright? " Aldrik somehow felt remorse about hurting her and angry as well seeing Marcus was inside the chamber with her.

"She will cope up," came his certain reply. "Why did you come? Certainly you're not here to pacify her." Marcus asked through clenched teeth, his red eyes giving him venomous glare.

"Letticia, refused to come back to me until I make it right with her and my father. I just want to ask for her forgiveness so she can finally let me be happy." Aldrik said almost pleading.

"You! Haven't you done enough? Are you mad? Leave her alone from now on. Hurt her again and we will not be talking this way again. If you know what's good for you, you better go now..." Marcus said gritting his teeth.

"Is that a threat, vampire?!" Aldrik angrily retorted.

"I never threat.." Marcus said in low growl readying himself to attack.

"You better leave now, your highness! You are not welcome here!" Rufus spat as door opened revealing the three remaining friends of Venus looking daggers at him.

"This is far from over..." Aldrik turned his back calmly and headed for his father's bed chamber silently fuming inside.

"You're becoming a big disappointment." Lord Renheild voice from behind startled him after advancing few steps. He turned around to face the direction of Marcus and his company to see his father stood beside them arms crossed to his chest, face unveiled as his hood hanged at his back. His brows furrowed, anger imminent in his eyes.

"Leave now.. I will discuss with you later," he commanded using his authorative voice.

"As you wish, your highness" Aldrik gave him an angry bow as he disappeared in red flames.

"I just came by to check if she is stable already." Lord Aldrik turned his attention to Marcus and asked in a no- nonsense way.

"I put her in a slumber for the rest of the night. She will be fine." Marcus replied curtly.

"Stay beside her all night just to be in the safe side. I will have a meeting with queen Mystyq. There is something not right about all of this." Lord Ronheild turned to leave.

"What do you mean master? Like a love spell? I had that in my mind for some time now." Daphne broke her silence by voicing out her theory. She doesn't believe that Aldrik will turn out this way for she knew the love story behind the two.

"Yes, a very powerful love spell. I hope I am wrong for this will create an uproar not just in the academy but in whole Phoenicia not to mention a very difficult place for Letticia." He replied without turning around to face them. He then proceeded his advance without waiting for response.

"Goodnight children." Lord Ronheild bade them goodbye as he turned to descend upon the stairs, his hands scooped up his hood and covered his head back.

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